Monday, July 21, 2014


     So now the Know Nothings are trying a new tactic. Guess lieing ain't doing so hot but since they know nothing, they are going with more lies and evasions. Now the tactic is to go into the long ago past and blame everyone else other than David Israel. Only problem in doing that is its stupidity and they seem to have left out Bob Marshall and he was just plain awful and not so straight when he was president of UCO. Now he just sits there like a pumpkin at the meetings.
     David Israel has ordered his shills, Don and a person who lives in Sheffield, to write questions that will allow David Israel to answer with his own inimitable style of falsehoods, evasions, and lies. 
     If we are to venture into the past, let's see what we have and know. Well, first of all, we should blame those who were living at the time when they did not set up a master association instead of the 309 we have now. Then we have to blame the shortsighted residents who did not buy the Clubhouse and the golf course when offered the opportunity. They are the direct ancestors of the shortsighted people of the Know Nothing Do Nothing party who cannot see more than a month in advance. Finally, we have the past presidents, I guess all of whom are to blame, according to the Know Nothings, that is, all but Bob Marshall and of course, David Israel.
     None of the past presidents were perfect. No man is. (Woman maybe!) Kurt Weiss screwed us royal with the signing of the Millennium Agreement and we are still suffering from it for another few years. Some presidents were better than others, but the worst, for the residents' benefit, was Bob Marshall. George built the UCO building, getting us out of another dependency on Mark Levy and I believe that is a good thing.
     But wait! Someone is missing. Now who could it be? Hmmmm.....Aha! Got It! David Israel, the Know Nothing leader, who in four and a half years has accomplished ZERO in the positive attainment and oh good grief, deeply negative in the screw the residents up for the near future and beyond. In four and a half years he had brought upon us one debacle after another and wants to bring another upon us with the budget and Wi Fi, a dead issue. He now acknowledges a shortfall but puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the delegates who vote directly as he orders so yes, they share in the blame, but he is president so there you go. The buck stops there.
     Now he is trying to gloss over the need for a higher UCO fee by sending in his shills who know not of what they speak. He wastes his time on this nonsense instead of working to find a better way, a more humane way for our residents, particularly our elderly ones.
     David Israel, for once in your life, man up and accept blame when it belongs to you. Then take a deep breath and ask for help, not brownnosing. If you cannot do that, then you should not be president (actually that is true no matter what), certainly not when we are in crisis, so get the hell out of office.


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