Tuesday, July 22, 2014


     First, let me apologize to my early readers. We were on tenterhooks here, waiting to hear about my great nephew in the Israeli army and finally this morning heard that he had texted his wife and he is ok, tired, and cannot wait to get back home. May he remain so until he is safely back home along with the rest of our boys.
     So with gratitude, maybe I will be a little softer this morning, but truly, thru the grapevine, from several disparate sources, I have heard that maybe David Israel is coming to at least a bit of reality recognition. It seems that he has heard the suggestion to and/ or seen the dire necessity of LEGALLY transferring the Wi Fi money over towards the shortfall and thus lessening the burden on the residents, cutting the new increase scheduled by a goodly amount. I believe that  Howie O' Brien had a hand in this as he seems the only one there attached to reality and does not believe in blind denials of fact. Be that as it may, it is at least a step in the right direction, the first, hopefully, of many.
     Now I predict that David Israel will pass this off as his brilliant thinking due to his concern for the residents of the Village. Personally, I do not care if he does that, for the majority know that we have been telling the Know Nothings to do this for the longest time. Now if only we can get him to listen more - like to the suggestion that he RESIGN! But again, it is a first step. The meeting on Thursday should be an interesting one and I suggest that if you can possibly be there, do so. It will be in the Clubhouse this Thursday July 24 at 10.
     There are many more things that need to be corrected here in the Village, like freedom of speech, the right to assembly, the access to media such as the newspaper where we are verboten!, the right to be placed on committees of UCO, and the list goes on. We have not even mentioned here specific harmful policies that are being carried out in UCO but all in its time. One righting of a wrong does not make all rosy and fine. Fiscal policy, planning, etc. all have a ways to go, much to reform, if we are to remain viable, and our by laws must be revised with input by all, not just by Marilyn Gorodetzer; we must plan for the end of the Millennium Agreement and for once and for all, put Tennyson out to pasture. Oh, and by the way, drove in thru Haverhill yesterday and those bushes with the red flowers actually have grown quite a bit and look very pretty, so kudos to Marcia for standing her ground. Nice job.

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