Sunday, July 27, 2014


     In the world today there are many ongoing conflicts. In Tripoli the American embassy has been evacuated. In Syria over 170,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands more wounded and that includes men, woman and children, fighters and civilians. In Africa it seems as if almost every country has at least one or two militias (current name for terrorist groups) fighting against the official government, which, in turn, might be as corrupt as those it is fighting. In Central America thousands of kids, little kids, are being threatened if they do not join a criminal gang and so they are fleeing the country. I think we all need to sing Bette Midler's "From a Distance" to gain some balance!
    So why am I writing all this depressing news. Simple. To remind the world and its politicians that there are far more complex and widespread conflicts going on that desperately need solutions than the conflict now in Gaza and yet it seems not so to the world's media. The NY Times reports every additional Israeli soldier killed. Why? Do you think we do not know the facts? Do you think we do not cry and bleed with every one of them? Does the world not realize how many of us actually know these boys who were pulled from their lives and sent to war? We do not need to know the exact count just as we do not need to read all the "weeping and crying" articles about the poor victimized Palestinians. Yes, there are innocents amongst them, not Hamas, and suffering BECAUSE Hamas located their armaments and command centers, tunnels, arsenals, etc. near their homes, in their homes, schools, mosques and hospitals and under their orchards, bathtubs, in their baby's room, in the backyard - and these people are NOT innocent. One cannot claim they did not see people lifting their bathtub and going in and out with cement and digging tools and supplies and Israeli uniforms and anything else they felt was needed to carry out terror attacks on the civilian population of Israel, in particular the kibbutzim that are just over the border.
     Why does a conflict that has 1000 dead, if the Hamas numbers can be believed, rate so much attention over ones where the number is 1000's more? Why do the world's leaders all state the same nonsensical refrain, "We understand Israel's right to defend itself but it must protect the civilian population." Well, that is exactly what Israel is doing, on both sides of the border as best it can in the face of a dirty playing enemy and exactly the opposite of what Hamas is doing.
     Not only is this aggravating, but what is even more disconcerting and downright scary, is the fact of all the closet anti Semitism coming out, openly and viciously. Synagogues are burnt, stores are smashed, Jewish young men are hunted down via Facebook in France and then beaten along with the threat that they will be kidnapped, tortured and killed as they did to another young Jewish man, Ilan Halimi.
     In Germany madly screaming crowds are shouting, "Jews to the gas!". In Germany yet! Israeli athletic teams are being kicked and trampled and just the other day Anatoly Sharansky, a man who kept himself sane for years in solitary confinement in the Gulag and cells of the USSR because he wanted to be Jewish, wanted to go to Israel, said that he sees that this is the end to Jews and Jewish history in Europe. It is as if 1933-1945 has returned again, even more vile than before. Yes, anti - Zionism is simply another name for anti - Semitism, a name that people hide behind as they try to kill the only Jewish state in the world and, in fact, Jews all over the world.. Why is it okay for there to be 27 or more Muslim, declared Muslim , states, along with a declared Caliphate, while it is not okay for one little Jewish state to be in existence, even though it is democratic, even though it is the USA's only true ally in the region.
    Personally, in my opinion, Kerry needs to stay home. He is not wanted, a laughingstock at this point, an embarrassment to the United States at a time when Obama has done enough to lower our prestige and the power of our word and promises. In fact, I believe Obama's innate anti - Semitism has come to the fore during this whole crisis. Let the tunnels be destroyed. Let the arms be dismantled and then, when the borders are open again, and the new shipments of steel rebar and concrete come in, perhaps they will be used for houses, rather than for tunnels and the UNRWA food will be distributed rather than stockpiled in the tunnels for terrorists.
     And finally - screw the UN!!!

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