Saturday, July 26, 2014


     It has been said, quite often, and in many cases very true, that we get the leaders we deserve. Well, folks, I do not believe we have the leader we deserve and there are many residents who agree, but our backward and antiquated and undemocratic method of electing a president allows fear, intimidation, chicanery, Kool - Aid politics all to influence and elect OUR president. So now, for all  our sins, what we have is a man who is seriously off his rocker!
     When a person cannot remember from one day to the next what he has said - there is trouble on the hoof.
     When a person thinks he can say diametrically opposed statements from one day to the next, from one forum to another - there, too, is trouble on the hoof.
      When a person in an office thinks that anyone who does not walk in lockstep with him is out to get him - that is paranoia, a sign of encroaching Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.
      When a person denigrates an American tradition of raising questions, seeking for better ways - he calls them malcontents, a proud and honored American tradition. Boo to you and shame on you!
      When a person thinks he needs to hire -  using our money - two armed guards for a delegate assembly and makes a threat at a committee meeting that it would be a good idea to hire them for ALL meetings of UCO - there is a seriously mentally ill person.
     When a letter was sent to PBSO and then a conversation held with Capt. Bruckner, regarding the duties and powers of these armed hired deputies, guess what? They can DO NOTHING UNLESS THERE IS A SITUATION OF SAFETY. That is it! They cannot and will not remove a person at the mike, force someone to shut up and sit down. In fact, they will do nothing except frighten some elderly people  and make that physical and moral coward, David Israel, safe from the elderly citizens of CV who evidently have nothing better to do than charge up there with canes, limps, scooters and wheelchairs, heart conditions, lung conditions, knee and hip problems and everything else you can think of - all to get David Israel! C'mon, you infant, fess up that you are simply a coward and a dictator who thinks that force and implied threats are the way to go.
     Even more serious, is the issue of the funds to lessen the impact of the reserve shortfall we now have and have had for a number of years - and oh, my! under David Israel's aegis!
The suggestion, made by many people and recommended by our Treasurer, Howie O'Brien, is to use the unwanted and unnecessary Wi Fi accumulated funds and pay down some of the shortfall, including using the $2 fee that is in the budget. This will help reduce the anticipated increase for JUST THIS ISSUE from $17 to $9.45.  It is still substantial, especially considering that there most probably will be other increases, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.
     Now this incompetent paranoid cowardly man says he is going to have the delegates vote in Wi Fi funding in the budget. Really? I could swear I was at the meeting where he said he is going to ask the delegates to vote to transfer the fund and incoming dollars for it over to the shortfall. The man does not remember a thing and/or has pure contempt for everyone here in the Village.
     All this comes about because we have as head of UCO a man with NO, NONE, NARY A BIT of experience in making a budget, in anticipating needs, in prioritizing budget and entity needs. I know he saved us all after 9/11 (just ask him if you don't believe me) but staring into a computer screen for  years at the now embattled NSA is not good experience at all for budgeting skills and knowledge. And yet, here we have the mothball fleet who voted him in yet again as they left their unit entombments to come out and vote as their Svengali ordered.
     Finally, as far as Wi Fi is concerned, come tomorrow and hear what Comcast has to say. Anitra is David Israel' s shill, a renter with her fingers in more pies here in the Village than anyone else I know, aside form Ed Black. She writes that she can only use her computer from 2 units away. That is interesting because we live in a large building and there are several apartments quite a distance away who could use our connection if we allowed it and why not ask Comcast. I believe they have a solution anyway and why not ask Jean Dowling as she has done her building and is quite pleased. Just because lies are stated with such fervor does not mean that they are true and by the way, I don't know what her connection is, but we run quite a number of devices off our connection and they all work just fine. And as far as security, as has been pointed out by many, the Village was being assigned ONE access code - wow, what increased security! No matter whose system you use, for a better security you have to have your own router and access code. Again - whatever service is used.
     So - welcome to our sad sad sad sad world and why not think about a way to make it a happy one.

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