Thursday, July 3, 2014


     Just finished reading today's paper and some magazines (I still like them better than the online version!) and what a depressing world we live in. And you know what? Much of it is our fault because we are in such a state of apathy that we do not vote in the elections. Oh, we will vote more in a Presidential election, but in the off years, in a primary, it is awful. The turnout is almost nonexistent. For many years now I have been the clerk for a precinct here in the Village and primaries are like ghost towns here. Yes, the oldtimers will come in. They may not see so well, their hands shake, but with authorized help and determination, they vote and they boast of their record of voting. But others - we just do not see them.
     This primary is an important one. It may determine who our next governor will be and what policies will reign here in Florida. While I have a preference, that is not important here. What is important here is to vote, whatever your party as this is both a Democratic and Republican primary.
     Just look at the policies of our country now. You cannot possibly say that you are satisfied. I believe that the rights of the individual are being stepped upon, ignored, and the beliefs of others imposed upon them. As for foreign policy - well, I need a book to write about that!You may disagree, but that is what makes us a democracy so - VOTE.
     That apathy is reflected in our own CV. How many people are delegates and NEVER show up to vote, or sit there in a seat and do not raise their hand. Well, like it or not, they just voted by not voting. How many delegates do not even know what is going on in the Village so respond like Pavlov's dogs when they are told to vote a certain way, their votes gained thru ignorance, promises and threats.
     When we hand the reins of control over to people who are not qualified, who constantly mess up, who think of themselves and their own agenda before that of the Village - and the country if we have an election for that - then we are not allowed to complain. Like the lottery, you gotta' be in it to win it. You gotta' vote in order to have a say and the information that is needed to know how to vote is to come to the assembly, go to your association meetings, speak up, challenge, ask questions,THINK, do not cede control and then get even more active. Get on the board, be a delegate and then we can break the Tammany Hall iron grip on this Village. Get rid of the foul mouthed oppressors that are in office now. "Throw dem bums out", as we used to say in Brooklyn. The time to start is now.
     We need to regain our influence in the outside elections and we need to regain our integrity in our own elections. That is a fact. The rest is up to you.

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