Wednesday, August 20, 2014


   You think you are so clever, you moron, so let me ask you a few questions and then you will be smiling out of the other side of your face.
Should we publish your IP address?
Should we publish your user name that goes with it?
Should we publish all the comments from you, including all the filth and obscenities?
 Should we explain the process - vey interesting and informative, by the way - wherein we traced the IP address to its base?
Should we explain how we know all the days and times and lengths of times that you checked up on my blog?
Should we then add in the filth you sent over to Olga?

But no, that would ruin the fun and the laughs we get when we know the moron has sent another comment over. We picture you with foam at your mouth as you are incapable of a logical or sensible response. We will reveal all at our pleasure and meanwhile, you just wait and see what happens and keep up your stupidities. There are days when I need a laugh and there you are.

For your moron friends and for my other readers, here are a few hints. The person is crude and known to be crude. We use the generic term he or his because that is still the term accepted when talking of an "unknown". We could use person, but it can be awkward at times in the phraseology required. Tell you what. Here are a few names and perhaps the person is here and perhaps not. Enjoy the conversation.
David Israel
Ed Black
Lanny Howe
Don HoHo and yes, I know your name, but I love my nickname for you!
Peter Cruz  aka Petey Boy
Marilyn Gorodetzer
Joy Vestal

and I think that is enough for now. Maybe there, maybe not. If you wish to join in the game, send in your own name or suggestions. Hey, maybe we can even set up a prize system?

Once again, you are an idjit. Read the article and don't send me statements about whether you are there or not. I told you that already and that is the last of it, fool. If you need reading lessons, I have already offered you tutoring lessons for free. That is how much I feel sorry for you, trying to make your way in this world with half a brain, or even less.

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