Thursday, August 21, 2014


     So what's up, friend Gracie? Wanna' cup of coffee? Nope? OK.
    But what is going on in your part of CV? First you have this pathetic comment posted on the other blog how you are so upset that there is a group of people who disagree with your god, David Israel, and then you just simply hate the fact that Olga has a sign on her building. Well, tough bugs! Protesting by signs of one type or another is an American tradition. Remember "One if by land, two if by sea" (you know, the guy who rode the horse!) Remember the sheets hung out of slums shouting "rent strike" - well, they broke the back of slumlords. So you see, little Gracie, signs and protest and being an American just go together like Mom and apple pie.
     Now let's get real here. Just what IS going on down there at UCO? David Israel seems to be losing it big time and things appear to be falling apart, with people not toeing the line. Tsk, tsk. So Marcia Z. seems to be pushing his buttons when she suggests or protests  and yesterday at the Advisory Committee meeting, one of  his controlled groups, when Marcia asked for a copy of the old by laws so as to compare with the proposed new ones, one of his biggest allies, the foul tempered and foul mouthed Marilyn Gorodetzer flew off the handle, Joy Vestal agreed with Marcia (wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles....) and then even David saw the light and asked for a copy. Well, Marilyn then stormed out saying she quit! YAY!!!!!! So, David Israel, I volunteer. Let's finally get in someone who knows about management, about revision of official documents, who understands the need for process and procedure. Be a man and try to aim for consensus and an open, democratic administration. Remember, this is America!
    But wait - there's more! David Israel received a letter dated August 5, 2014 and finally published it almost three weeks later. It is a strong letter which lays out the responsibility of UCO and the necessity to sue M&M Paving for its faulty job as UCO is the contracting agent, not the individual residents. Yesterday, Gary published the amazing answer - that is Gary, NOT David Israel. Once again he is trying to hide things and not go the proper route. The response was from , believe it or not, ROD TENNYSON! Yes, that ridiculous excuse for a lawyer that David Israel himself said months and months ago NEEDS TO BE REPLACED. But replaced he wasn't and now we have a whole TWO paragraph answer (kind of reminds one of the ONE paragraph contract we had for a five million dollar project).
     Was an announcement made on the blog? NO! Was a date set for the discussion of said letter and pathetic response? NO! Once again, the dictator David Israel takes it upon himself to answer for the Village. That is how we got into this mess in the first place - by he and Ed Black bypassing proper protocol and procedure, by not consulting with a proper attorney.
     So what is to be done, my not so amazing Grace? Well, for one, get rid of David Israel and put in a president who understands organizations and their structure.
     Have proper process and procedure followed.
     Have proper management principles followed.
     Cut out the one man runs all situation we now have.
     Instill and install decent behavior. It stems from the top, and the top here is rotten.
     Consult with a real attorney with a specialty in this field and try to work towards a settlement, one which will help the Village repair itself, body and soul. The proof of the malfeasance is out there on the streets we ride and walk on.
     Redesign and restructure our administrative bodies. The whole system of the delegate assembly and its power to run the whole Village, sometimes by a vote as low as 70 -80- votes is ridiculous and insulting to the residents. 
     Have a list of duties of the delegates and a designation of minimum times of attendance or absence - choice is up to us - so that there is no deadwood there!
     Restructure the election process and in fact, have it run by an outside and impartial body.
     The list can go on and on, but the first thing is to remove the head, the boil, that is infecting the rest of the body politic here.


PS. And just exactly what happened to those bids for the proposed WI Fi? Somebody's got some 'splainin' to do!!!

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