Thursday, August 28, 2014


     Let's talk a bit about the whole streaming, Netflix, Roku and everything else that the bigshots like to throw in all the time, David Israel with his ridiculous techie talk and Don HoHo with his two hands, both feet and mouth evidently all working with wireless devices at the same time.
Let’s talk about steaming video and wireless internet. As one knows, today you can get 1000’s of channels with a device such asROKU. You get either standard or HD content. However, the key thing to remember is that you need a minimum of 1.5 Mbps for standard and 3.0 Mbps for HD content. Also, internet speed will vary throughout the day. This translates into either streaming at times when fewer people are on line or having a higher bandwidth which, with WIFI, affects the cost. The more people that are on ,the slower the connection unless you increase bandwidth.
Using ROKU as an example you might want to go onto Netflix or Amazon or Hulu Plus or Pandora or Vevo or HBO-GO or you want to watch one of the 31,000 movies that they have- most times you have to pay- there is no free lunch here and anyone who tells you different is wrong. You cannot get Netflix or Amazon or HULU PLUS for free. So even being connected to free WIFI does not necessarily mean free viewing of streaming video. And, keep in mind that the Wi Fi David Israel and henchmen are proposing is NOT FREE.  Again, NOT FREE.
So, between prime hour rushtime, minimal or insufficient bandwidth, and a slower speed initially for Comcast has the highest speed available, and this is DSL and who knows what other issues with infrastructure, what is the bargain here. Unless you are a night owl, enjoy your slow time. You might as well go the airports at a busy time and get their slow time if that is what you really want! Think, think, think, think before deciding. Keep what you have or go Association wide without the expense, with security, with speed and bandwidth, with everything you need and no need to worry about some ugly tower that will never get  a permit or ugly antennae on your roof causing damage, especially if they are ripped off during a storm. Just a couple of routers and/or boosters and off you go.
Sent in by Anonymous

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