Friday, August 29, 2014


     We are truly a microcosmic reflection  of  the greater world out there beyond our gates. A headline of an article in a paper said that Obama is beset by multi international crises. One can feel bad for the man, surrounded as he is by strife and discord, unable to even get his own Congress to agree on barely anything. As such, the country is almost in stasis or perhaps even worse, falling backwards. The world, if seen on a pictorial map, with flames for wars and major disruptions, would be quite overwhelmed with the colors of orange and red.
     Now look at our Village, our small town, not a campus where kids run around trying to kickstart a future, but a town, with a budget, with needs, with future planning required. Here, too, if there were a pictorial map with flames for problems, we too would have quite a brightly colored map. Granted, the macrocosmic world's issue are certainly larger than our own, but ours are serious enough for us right here in the midst of it, living with it as best we can.
     Let us go further in comparisons between the two worlds. In both worlds we have a leader, a president, who should have taken the lead in making hard decisions in a statesman like manner. Both should have looked into the future, drawn a comparison of what ifs, what would possibly be, what could be, what is the RIGHT thing to do and never mind my personal desires as I AM ELECTED TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. Well, neither of them has done so with any great success. In both worlds the major projects of the presidents that were put forward or even put into action were tainted with poor motives, poorly formulated underpinnings, and poor execution of them. Both have caused costly paybacks for these faulty projects, consequences that will echo well into the near future and we certainly hope that a better future will be able to be found or established, but it will not be easy.
     Both presidents have allowed evil to rise up in the world each lives in. Here we have evil advisers or possibly worse, and in Obama's world we have the evil of indecision, wishy washy behavior and thinking and no firm and formulated policy that lets people out there to know what to expect. As a result, in both worlds, people are edgy, tense, and nervous. What will be? How will the next crisis be handled? Why do we feel as if we are in a life sized Whack - A - Mole game from a fair or carnival, fun for amusement, but not fun to live as.
     Don't get me wrong. I believe, sometimes against my better judgment, that both men had positive motivation initially as they began their campaigns. But what happened was ugly. Both fell under the spell of other people, under the spell of their own needs to the exclusion of others and both were incompetent in areas of management, people skills, the co-optioning of people to work with them, the need to have a definite policy that does not shift with the winds nor jumps on every bandwagon that rolls by simply because it looks nice, or smells nice or someone else pushes him to take a foolish action.
     In both worlds we now have debt piling up, no clear path which is being followed, abusive behavior towards opponents (on both sides in some cases), tempers rising, and still the presidents do not dowse the fires but instead provide more fuel by continuing on in their foolish paths, causing more dissension, more uncertainty, more confusion and less of what we need - a sure and steady hand at the helm, a manager with people skills, one who knows how to get people to work with him by positive methods, not by threats or fear, a leader who will not go play golf ten minutes after he sheds "tears" with a mother whose son has just been butchered by an enemy whom he has allowed to thrive by his uncertain and weak policies. Nor can one hide in an office all day, tap tap tapping away whilst the Village fumes in the sun. A leader must come out amongst the people and truly lead, be alert, proactive, unselfish - a statesman.
     The sad fact is that the nasty feelings of the world have seeped into our Village. There have been nasty anti Semitic comments made, including one I received this morning in an email from Idjit, and others that have been heard around the pools and at the assembly. The sad fact is that both leaders have allowed their worlds to get away from them and both need to leave office and unfortunately there is still time to go before their respective terms are up. In such a case we must remain vigilant, careful, and let our feelings and ideas be known whether these presidents like it or not. Such is the blessing of America and such blessing will be lost unless we use it.

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