A day or so ago I raised several questions with David Israel and Eva from WPRF and as yet have not received an answer. The questions about the price of tickets should have a simple answer. If it does not, then there has to be an explanation as to why the differential in pricing. If one buys a goodly number of tickets, then there is a substantial difference in the total sum for the same shows.Why?
There are so many things that need to be done in the Village and yet we have no forward thinking about those items, only the fixated obsession with Wi Fi which associations are opting out from. Many are not interested in additional fees for this, a total amount has never been figured out or announced so it is like buying a pig in a poke, an expensive one at that! Many people are satisfied with what they have or do not have if they do not need Wi Fi so why are we chasing this project with a completion date sometime off in the future.
Now there is the question about the cameras. Five at the Okeechobee gate? A bit of overkill I think. And cameras in the Village, 19 of them, I think not. We do not need nor want to live in a total CCTV community where there is no privacy. Most of us do not feel the need for this blanket of cameras and to have people watching us - Yuck!!! But David Israel seems to have difficulty understanding this as Ed Black pushes him and David is still enmeshed in the spy mentality of the NSA.
Now I have a question. A short while ago David Israel and crew were going gung ho with the LED system of lighting instead of what we now have. Someone finally wised up and showed the figures, the immense cost that would have to be paid and so the project was dropped. Lately, wherever I go, be it the highway or other communities, there seem to be a growing number of small solar panels powering signs and lamps and streetlights. Is that a possibility for us here. I have no figures at hand and have not done any research, so am simply asking the question. Could we not look into it and do a cost analysis on it?
Finally, I have not seen anywhere, a final plan that would answer all questions and concerns as to how we will definitely make up the shortfall in reserves, pay our ever increasing bills and expenses - and some of the figures on the budget appear to be somewhat off - and continue to amass reserve funds as they should be, with at least two months sufficient funds. How will all of this increasing expenses be justified when more money is asked for the Wi Fi project? How is this to mesh with the need to pay for GOOD lawyers to work on the future AFTER the Millennium and how we can buy out WPRF.
There are so many questions and I am sure there are many more and others could add to the list, but this is a start. I believe that UCO as it is right now is stale in its thinking, stuck in the old, stuck on the idea that their wishes and pet projects are what count and not those of the residents. We have the whole mess of the multi unit owners and their irresponsible behavior, and yet nothing gets done.
I have not forgotten my call for resignations from UCO. I put it out there again and if the selfish stubbornness remains, then recall, recall, recall, term limits back again as they were for us until less than a year ago, proper and transparent information and structure and behavior and funding and anything else that has to do with UCO and WPRF. The time has come, way past due, actually.
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