Sunday, September 14, 2014


     For the first broken record posting just scroll down to the previous posting and enjoy. This posting will take up the broken record that IS the record for this administration over four and a half years. It is very easy to write of this for nothing was accomplished.
     Let's see.
     Broken Record #1 - the road and paving job of course, and no need to elaborate here as the facts are well known.
     Broken Record #2 - Security. Where is the fence or anything at the Southampton area? A one at a time purchase of vegetable for soup was the approach here. Visit after visit to the county and each time we were told we were lacking something else. It is called - go in with all questions ready and ask follow up questions to your answers. Simple.
     Broken Record #3 - Security again. David Israel and Ed Black have come up with a new ploy, playing on your fears. That is the installation of 19 cameras around the Village to spy on us. The record of criminal activity here is not that big and if people would stop calling in crooked friends and relatives, how much better off we would be. Cameras do not tell us who these people are as they do not announce themselves as such at the gate and then invite us to follow them on CCTV. These cameras are for the benefit of the PBSO and ticketing and for Big Brother who lives in the UCO building. And by the way, it is no big deal to install cameras at the gates. It has been done for decades but don't you think that five cameras is a bit of overkill!
     Broken Record #4 - the Wi Fi proposal. This is the second all out push to get Village wide Wi Fi here so that you can walk from your unit to the pool with your head in your laptop. Just be careful as you walk so you do not trip on the really bad walkway raised areas and please watch out for speeding cars as they stop for no one, and watch out for the disappearing rumble strips. Oh, and sitting in the middle of the road and playing Candy Crush is not recommended either. You can have all the safe and sufficient Wi Fi you need via your own private connection or your association and not have another $15 added to your UCO fees. Where the supposed savings are in all this this I have no clue. We do not even have any detailed proposal put in front of the residents - only David Israel and his cronies and their dumb comments.
     Broken Record #5 - Ok, not broken maybe. There was a lightning bolt - though it really knocked out only a fuse - but let Bob Marshall enjoy it. Now he can repeat it as well, lightning struck, instead of saying it will strike.
     Broken Record #6 - do nothing officers. Anyone ever hear Bob Marshall talk about anything but lightning? Any one ever hear that Pat Sealander or Phyllis Siegelman have anything to add to the discussion? Anyone ever hear a nice word come out from Marilyn Gorodetzer's mouth , especially towards an opposition member?
     Broken Record #7 - WPRF and its relationship to the residents of the Village. At present, WPRF, with Eva at the head, collude with David Israel so as to allow him to be the dictator of the Village. While we all pay fees, we are all NOT allowed free access to the facilities, full use of the facilities. That actually calls for a refund of fees to those so denied. Think about it.
     Broken Record #8 - the other blog. It parades around as the blog for the Village while it is actually a personal blog belonging to and managed by David Israel. It allows NO ONE to post on there if it is not a David Israel groupie. Hey, Gracie. You are always whining that "you know I won't publish - (but I do) but from now on - forget about it. Tell you what. As soon as your lord and master posts on his blogs, allows free responses, then so will I. Until that day - tough. Go cry elsewhere.
     Broken Record #9 - Continues in the same line of thought as David Israel sends out his IFI only to those who he delights in sending to. How many more times must we hear Ed Grossman remind David Israel to send them to him. He is a delegate and entitled to it. The whole thing is stupid as people forward it to the "denied" but it is just an example of the petty ways of our Village Tsar.
     Broken Record #10 - committees. When, my fellow villagers, will the committee process and system be open to all and not under the Tsar who sends out his fiats and dictats from his office and blocks 99% of the Village from participating. One must have a stamped "APPROVED BY DAVID" ON THE FOREHEAD TO BE ALLOWED INTO UCO.
     Broken Record #11 - financial malfeasance. How many more times must we be told that we now have a financial shortfall, that our finances were raped by David Israel, Bob Marshall (pre lightning bolt), and Ed Black? How many more times will we allow this to happen and then pay to cover up their misdeeds?
     Broken Record #12 - the paper,  Channel 63, the handouts. Why is it that David Israel has the sayso over what goes in The Reporter, on Channel 63 for public announcements and in the packet for the delegates? Where in the by laws does it say that? Even the WPRF lawyer hems and haws because Eva's collusion in this is truly WRONG! No political discussion, she says. We are too fragile and too old, too interested in the pools and the pickleball court, I guess, but then what about all the politicians who are allowed in to the Clubhouse and what about all the politicking that David Israel does from his chair up on the dais? Mind you, I have no objection to the visits, but I do to the one sided politics in the Village.
     Broken Record #13 - Ahh, what's the use. I can go on and on and the question is - will you, the delegates, do something about it? Will you vote as the walking dead in this March election or will you actually think for yourselves and send the useless, no, the dangerous,  out to pasture? Will you especially remember that in the next presidential election?
Will any one out there volunteer to stand for election or will every one simply stand around and look for the other to do it?
    Got another note for you, Gracie girl. Why not return to Canada and your former job if you get so upset that people here oppose your lord and master. You know, moving out can go both ways. Now think how dumb you sound every time you and yours, like Don HoHo, Mike and the others say that phrase - just move out. There is room for all here, especially if it were done properly.
     Vote in new people, thinking people and let new ideas, new proposals, honest people who care about the Village, do what must be done and then, Gracie girl, you might have your utopia.

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