Saturday, September 13, 2014


      It gets difficult sometimes when one is trying to write an intelligent article and simply keeps hearing from broken records who evidently live here in the Village. One such person is my old friend Gracie. She thinks I should leave this utopia and move elsewhere if I do not like everything about the Village. Well, sorry, little not so amazing Grace, I happen to love living here and say so to all to whom I speak. What I do not like is the UCO administrators that we presently have and have had for too many years. They, too, are just a bunch of old broken down records playing on an outmoded record player, often at the wrong speed.
     And no, this is not a utopia and if you need the definition of one, try looking up Garden of Eden, Greek mythology, Heaven, etc. This is a Village meant for humans, humans who can and do make mistakes and that is fine. What is not fine is when the mistakes are done again and again and purposely so. That is what gets me upset but has nothing to do with moving and why your group is so anxious for everyone who disagrees with them to move is quite interesting. Says a whole lot about them - and you - does it not?! And by the way, you and yours could move outta' here and what a break that would be for the Village.
    And I am so sorry that you do not approve of some of the words I use. I guess words of more than one syllable are difficult for you but a good dictionary, real or virtual, would help and the offer of free tutorials is still there. And for that matter, so is the cup of coffee! But I guess that you like the language of David Israel, your lord and master, much better. For sure it is better. When one calls people a piece of shit, or tells a woman that she is a toxic tart and the whore of Babylon - and does this in the middle of people standing or sitting around - why of course, how silly of me to not accept that as better language and manners. So silly. I also do not publish racially bigoted postings on my blog as does the other blog, but I guess that is ok too with you and your little group. I am so sick of your whining - you and Petey Boy and Don HoHo, Lanny, Joy, Marilyn G,  and everyone else who feels they must step in and defend the coward who will never debate, who must crush and deny civil rights that all Americans have except here in Century Village WPB, and who colludes with others to keep this so. I get so sick of the nastiness of your group, of their misdeeds, their lack of civil behavior, their flouting of rules, their purposeful attacks on the financial and physical integrity  of the Village, their utter lack of concern, planning and forethought for the beneficial future of the Village.
     And by the way, I could care less about the previous election as it was rigged and crooked anyway, so not a problem and as for being president here instead of David Israel, wow!!! what a better change that would have been for the Village, but for my personal life - hey, I love my life and so sorry that you and yours appear to have none, except, that is, for what David Israel allows you to have. Enough already with your constant repetitive lament that I cannot get over the election. By that afternoon I was making my plans for the next day and the future and there appeared to be no hole in my life - not before, not then, and not in the future. What can you say? Oh, better go and run to ask your lord and master for permission and the proper words. Get a life, Gracie!
     So stay tuned for tomorrow's posting about more broken record items in the Village and why we need to move on. Shheeesh, at least to Walkmans already! One day we might even be ready for an advanced Wi Fi system. One never knows what the future will bring.

PS. Guess I should add in another broken record from your crew and that is the one where it is claimed that I have a ghostwriter. Just because David Israel cannot string together a literate piece does not mean that others cannot. Lanny is one of David's most prolific ghostwriters and proofreader - not always so great there, Lanny - but tell you what.
I challenge David Israel to a writing contest. Let's choose an agreed upon topic having to do with the Village and spontaneously write an article. No cheat sheets or cues allowed. No help from others in the audience and let's see then who needs a ghostwriter. Please do not insult me again this way. My writings are my own, typed by my fingers and from my mind. You guys provide rich material so thank you for the opportunities you provide for me to write.

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