Monday, October 20, 2014


     If this man gets his way, the way he is trying to insure now, then this place is doomed. Just doomed. There will be no room for any opposition, any opinions other than his own and the only way out of him will be when he dies!
     David Israel, Ed Black, Marilyn Gorodetzer, et al, have worked in secret on the new by laws they propose to enact. For several weeks I have been hearing rumors of what these new proposals contain and if they contain half of what I have been hearing, well, folks, pick up and get outta here while the gettings good!
    While the world at large is highly into setting term limits, Palm Beach County has term limits and Palm Beach Gardens is voting in the next election on its installation, the robotic delegates voted again and again last year until David Israel finally got it his way and now he is King for life according to his wishes. How to insure that fact? Simple. There is no mention of term limits at all in the new by laws proposed by him and cohorts.
    Aaahhh, but you know - there's more. Now he wants to enact a by law that says that if UCO - meaning him and cohorts - buy something, contract for something - in bulk, for the Village - NOONE can opt out, NOONE can say anything against it, NOONE can go against it, NOONE has any rights. So how far would that go? Should he come across a contraband lot of medicine and get it cheap would we all have to buy our Lipitor from him? If he decided that he wants to buy ALL landscaping in a bulk contract, including for association land, does that now mean we all have to use that company? Where does it end? Nowhere and never, for we are not allowed any say. The delegate assembly becomes an American version of the Russian legislative branch - a useless appendage to government, a rubber stamp to all that the dictator wishes and wants.
     The new bylaws, I have heard, state that if David Israel approves a contract, NOONE IS ALLOWED TO QUESTION IT. You read that right. We would be living in the Fascistic newly commissioned Century Village of West Palm Beach. Wonder what Mark Levy thinks of this? Wonder if he even knows about it? He did not know about the pool shutdown for campaigning until he was apprised of it and in no uncertain terms he instructed Eva to open them up for it in the AM hours. Fair enough. Even though I still think there should be no limitations excerpt for common sense, but evidently we are too old and feeble to decide for ourselves.
     There are new rules for everything. Recall petitions would now need 100 signatures, almost an impossibility since remember, we barely get over 100 at an assembly for much of the year. These new travesties of by laws would totally remove any chance of reform. I bet there would even be a new bylaw that would eventually lay down a set of inheritance laws!
     The present administration at UCO is corrupt, corroded, contains no morals and forgets that public servants are just that - servants to the needs of the public. David Israel does not believe in that and uses his self granted powers to intimidate and ruin. Now I hear he is calling in presidents of associations in order to cajole AND LIE  and threaten about the Wi Fi proposal. What a piece of work is man. Shakespeare said that in so many words and so I say it, but in no positive tone here.
     Let us look at another aspect of this man's RULE, yes, RULE, here in the Village. Numbers were given to the associations to work with, to plan for their new budgetary needs. At the assembly we were told how wonderful it was, that security and transportation costs were going down, hence our feEs to UCO would go down. Correct? WRONG!!! First the figures were given out that stated that the general UCO funds would need an infusion of $246.54 per month, a payment of $5.25 PER SMALLER UNIT. Great! We could reduce payments demanded from the unit owners. Well NOPE, did not stay that way. Suddenly new figures were given out - the new figure being $617.82, meaning a payment of $13.16 per month for the smaller apartments and $15.33 for the 2/2's.
WOW!!!!!! where did that come from and more important - where were those funds going? Were they going to be used for Wi Fi against all rules - except for his new planned by laws? Were they going to be transferred somewhere else that David Israel fixed his beady little eyes? Why an increase of over $300? And where do we place the need for the Wi Fi money to be turned over to the general reserve to try to make up the shortfall, you know, that same money that David Israel in public stated needed to be transferred!!!
     Ladies and gentlemen, this place is corrupt, rife with people looking out for their own selves, though exactly what they get from ruining it for anyone else is beyond me. Is it money? Is it power? Is it plain old nastiness? Is it a lack of innate morality? Take your pick, but if we do not stand together and fight this, then the Village is doomed and I, for one, will not go down with the ship. So when the Village empties out of all thinking people, who will be there for David Israel to rule  and lord it over ? Hey, I know, he can then go to those all mysterious hacker plotting trailer park people that he so greatly fears and maligns. Maybe then he will be able to work with them!
     Remember the posting I did about the modern day fairy tale? Well, please do not let this be the fairy tale without a happily ever after ending.

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