Tuesday, October 21, 2014


     So it seems that our "esteemed" leader (NOT) is enamored of fairy tale figures and this time has chosen the Pinocchio route. You remember, that wooden puppet who wanted to be human and then found out that when he lied his nose grew. Yep, sounds just like our own Pinocchio right here in the Village.

Here is a quote from his blog -

     David Israel said...
Hi Grace,

I have checked the BLOGGER Forum, and both Malcontent BLOGS have indeed been flagged for violation(s) of the "Terms of Use" agreement.
They should be avoided as a logical precaution.

Dave Israel
October 19, 2014 at 11:41 PM
Well, this is just like Mark Twain when he said that reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated! Well, folks, there was no such statement or incident and there is no such statement and there will be no such statement or occurrence. Why? Because we tell the truth, expose the underbelly of the beast, call the shots as we see them and not because someone has scared us into lies for him. You see, we care for the Village, for its future and want all to know what is going on and stop dead in its tracks whatever new dastardly plans this man has in mind and/or has already tried to start implementing. We do  not engage in prejudiced remarks and hate mongering.
     The other day there was an evaluation in the paper as to the reasons behind the firing of a CEO. The conclusion? It was his nasty attitude, his hectoring and demeaning of others, his foul mouth and nasty attitude. HA!!! Could have fooled me. I had to check twice that they were not talking about David Israel. The very sad thing about this whole business is that he KNOWS that there is nothing he can say that can gainsay the truth, so he engages in lies, in disinformation techniques ( a dirty technique found in corrupt governments - says something, doesn't it?) An example is his moronic posting on his blog, one of several lately that have truly gone beyond the pale, sounding paranoid, off balance and mentally strained.
     Right behind him are his dastardly crew with their imitation twirling mustaches and nasty scowls. Her Ninniness constantly tries to upbraid me, even telling me that I want to be Queen. Gimme a break, Ninniness! Actually, I was a queen for two years with a beautiful handmade to order dress and royal cloak as I portrayed Queen Esther in school for two years in a big play. I want nothing from this Village but for the people to listen, to truly hear and then to do something.
     I just finished reading an excellent book, wherein one of the major characters says that the complicit moderates who allow extremists and/or evil people to take over society are just as guilty of the crimes, perhaps even more so by allowing it. It was said in other ways such as that all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. A comment on the prior posting says it too. He/She asks why people have done nothing? Why have they allowed David Israel and his small claque to take over control of the Village and run us right into the ground? Why do they  not run for office or back people with effort and funding when they run for office? Why  do they allow deadwood as their delegate and say they are too busy, they just want to swim and play games. Well, if they do not DO SOMETHING, BE PROACTIVE, there will be no pools, no courts, no clubhouse, no nothing, just a vast Village, a once upon a time Camelot which WE allowed to deteriorate, a place where WE allowed corruption and inadequacy and lack of knowledge to take over and just ruin it for all.
     There is a suit ongoing - where are the contributions, even of $5 and $10 that would go far in getting $5,000,000 back to redo the roads? Where are the people to volunteer to supervise in the elections, to DEMAND a role in UCO, to ask questions and demand answers. Where are the rest of the associations to OPT OUT. Yes, we have a whole lot, but more should be doing this.
     Think about all this and think about tomorrow's posting when you see the next dirty trick that David Israel, Gorodetzer and Fromkin think they can pull over all of us. Nasty and sneaky.
     Why not join the people who are fighting for YOU, for US? Speak up, tell those idiots that sit and boo in the assembly to shut up and act like grownups. Demand a true way to count votes, not that silly and inaccurate manner that is used now - and I am being generous in my evaluation of it.
     C'mon folks, I know you are there because I hear from you all the time and you come up to me all the time. Man up. Woman up. Fight the garbage in your own backyard. And demand that UCO and David Israel as its "head" look for what is important, like taking the pulse of the people who are very concerned about this whole rape issue. What are the details? Tell the truth and not try to bury it, thus allowing for wild stories to grow. Or is this one of your nasty plots so that you can say that is why we need cameras. Actually that would not have helped since it seemed to come from the back of a building. Speak up, David Israel, speak up - with the truth for once in your life.

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