Wednesday, October 22, 2014


     Scary, very scary. Like Halloween all year round only all we get are the tricks and not treats. The deeds of the administration of UCO, their lack of competence, their lack of management skills, their lack of process and procedure and their knowledge of gray and black areas in which to mess around with our funds all add up to grave problems. Then of course we have the fact that these people are as thick as thick can be along with a great dose of nastiness. Their comments that they send along here, or that they post on Gary's blog and of course, on their master's blog, are amazing in their inanity and intent to harm and insult.
     Take a look at the comment that I allowed thru as an example. It is on the previous blog. I commented on it. It is amazing as they do not recognize any subtlety and take things as fact. When I spoke about being a queen already, it was to answer Her Ninniness who said I wished to be one.Been there and done that. Next, this idiot says wait on it. Where are their brains? I swear, they get concussions when they sit!
     They speak of the desperate things that will happen should we sue for a return of funds. First of all, no one is suing the insurance company. The suit is against UCO as the responsible supervising party in the contract and David Israel as the one in overall charge. The insurance company comes in when they will have to pay when the suit is won. They speak as if no one ever sued, as if no one ever pursued a case, as if the world fell down when an insurance had to fork over money. Look at the people who continued to insist that the auto industry fess up about their faulty parts - derided, maligned, jeered at - and look at the papers now. It will not bring back their loved ones, but perhaps it will force an accounting and a more truthful manner and procedure of business. No more business as usual and guess what - the insurance companies will continue to insure them. That is their business and losses are built in to their rates.
     This is the administration we have now, one based on lies, evasions of truth at best, of lack of competency in management, no idea about how to run an $8 million dollar business and no people skills at all. They run a closed door company and use innuendo to frighten people, trashing those who might be different or who think differently, or raise scares so that their incompetence is glossed over in the new crisis, they get what they want and then move on. I said before that I was suspicious of the sudden spate of robberies at Southampton, suspicious of the way they stopped, suspicious over how NOTHING got down with the fence except excuse after excuse and a year later NOTHING was accomplished and now we have this sudden rape scare with  no one even sure it ever happened and you can bet your bippy that David Israel and crew will take up this flag to push through their big brother camera system.
     People of CV, PLEASE look at what we have allowed to take place. We have brought this upon ourselves by not kicking them out of office and voting in a better, more knowledgeable team, an honest team. Start with the executive board this election and choose carefully for VP and then next year, vote in a new president - whoever that might be -  and more clean sweeps of the old and tired crew. That is our only option. That is our only hope for a better future, for the return to Camelot.

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