Wednesday, November 12, 2014


     Yesterday was another day which explains why we love it here. Thoughts about our veterans and wonder when war will cease, several errands here and there, a walk in the beautiful day, a good movie, which for some reason was not really released to the big screens here, and then a thoroughly enjoyable performance of Cinderella at the Kravis.
     Snowpiercer was one of the genre of apocalyptic movies that are a bit more frightening these days, what with the louder and louder clarion calls and warnings about global warming. This movie is ironic because mankind is surviving on a train in bitter inhumane cold. It is a warning to all of us to watch, be careful, do what we can to avoid all this, and be careful of the motivations of others and of the hidden truths all around you, especially the truths about people. Worth taking out of the library.
     Then we come to Cinderella. First there was a lovely staircase performance by their afterschool young singers program and the kids performed beautifully. Kudos to their music teachers and vocal coaches for the groups. The play itself was not great Broadway theater but it was wonderful as the packed house, some kids but a surprisingly mainly adult audience, suspended belief in the real world and threw themselves into their childhood and cheered and clapped with the appearance of the Fairy Godmother, the magical transformations of pumpkin to coach, of rags to stunning white ball gown and laughed at the very funny punchlines that were well delivered and gave us laughs as well as food for thought.
     Cinderella was wondering how the Prince could be a leader when, as she exclaimed, "...but he has a heart, a mind and a soul!" Think about our politicians today, within and without the Village, locally, statewide and nationally, and I think we have to agree with Cinderella! Out of the mouths of innocents, yes?
     Cinderella was urged by her Fairy Godmother to dream of the impossible and make it part of her life, make it come true as it became possible, but without Cinderella truly buying into this, nothing would happen. Lesson learned. We get nothing in this world without putting in an effort and while at times it appears to be impossible, while at times we are tempted to give in to despair, we must not. We must keep on dreaming - and working - towards making the seemingly impossible dream into a possible reality, no matter how hard the road. As I have said recently - the words speak for themselves.
     The play included questions of social justice, of allowing all to vote, of opening up government to all in a fairer and more just society. Hmmmm, words again speak loudly and echo in our minds.
     We thoroughly enjoyed this performance and laughed and clapped along with the rest of the truly wonderfully receptive audience and if you can manage to find the time and the tickets - go and enjoy. And think.

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