Tuesday, November 11, 2014


     If there are traits common to good leaders, then it follows that there are traits common to bad leaders. Read this posting and my good leader posting along with Dorothy's post about the threat to the Four Freedoms here in the Village, tack on Gary's hard hitting posts and then tell me how one could escape the logical conclusion: we have a bad leader, we have a faulty administration, and we have allowed it to happen and continue and to strengthen as well. If one allows a bully to get away with bullying, then something must be done, steps must be taken. But for now, read the essence of a bad leader.
     A bad leader is one who does not take the concerns of the constituents to heart.
     A bad leader is one who rules by threats, intimidation and goon squad techniques.
     A bad leader is one who maintains a separation from the constituents, allowing appointed and/or otherwise designated people to do so.
     A bad leader is one who has no sense of process and procedure.
     A bad leader is one who has no idea on prioritizing needs and balancing financial reality with those needs.
     A bad leader is one who puts his/her preferred pet projects at the head of the line to the detriment of others.
     A bad leader is one who is careless, sometimes even criminally or negligently so, with the funds of the constituents.
     A bad leader is one who does not use consensus in administering.
     A bad leader is one who attempts to shut down any opposition by any and all means.
     A bad leader is one who condones, even encourages, statements of hate and prejudice and NEVER condemns it.
     A bad leader is one who does not run official gatherings by Robert's Rules, picking and choosing for an advantage.
     A bad leader is one who shuts any opposing voices out of the administration.
     A bad leader is one, who as all dictators and fascists do, controls all media and arena outlets for others.
     A bad leader is one who threatens to use armed force to "maintain" order.
     A bad leader is one who lies, is caught in lies, and yet continues to do so.
     A bad leader is one who governs in secret, appointing henchmen to do the leader's bidding and even allowing these people to gain the power that rightfully belongs to others.
     A bad leader is one who is in position mainly to keep "power" rather than to SERVE.
     A bad leader allows others with bad ideas to influence actions and priorities.
     A bad leader is one who refuses to open the administration to transparency, honesty, better ideas, honest accounting.
     A bad leader will not allow reform of voting and election procedures, especially so in order to remain in office.

     Folks, once again, the words speak for themselves. No names need be mentioned for these are universal traits and apply wherever they fit.

     When a bad leader tries to maintain that he/she is a good leader, that leader is like the ugly stepsisters of Cinderella, trying to cram their feet into a shoe which does not fit. The leader must be shod in the shoe that fits the leader's foot and the adage, "if the shoe fits, wear it" goes right along, right here.
     And now just a PS for the idiots who keep posting drivel and filth. Trying to change your words  and your sign in names does not change anything. I know you are not a foreign immigrant and your IP and Hosting services are right there.  So, please, for all concerned, including yourselves, go take a bath, rinse your mouths out and get a life, a good life, an honest life - TRY IT, YOU MIGHT LIKE THE CONTRAST AND ACTUALLY STAY IN IT.

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