Tuesday, December 16, 2014


    " DO NOT let the Malcontents hijack another Delegate Meeting as they did in December.  Keep these "amok" people quiet .... by having PBSO present and visible.  " SO STATES PETEY BOY.

    Peter Cruz, aka Petey Boy, is at it again. The fascist strain is so strong in him, and by association, with the rest of his crew, that he cannot resist stating over and over again that we need to bring in PBSO into the delegate assembly. The Grand Poombah has so stated this same opinion many times and aside from the ugly image of husky armed and uniformed men trying to frighten and intimidate senior citizens to the extent that they give up their rights as Americans - and yes, that is Fascism, you moron, just exactly what do you think they can do? If we get up there at the mic and voice our opposition, will they hustle us away from that? Will they twist our arms behind our back and say that The Grand Poombah has forbidden you to talk, to disagree, to call out Appeal or Division as is appropriate under Robert's Rules? Just exactly what is it that you think they can and will do?
     I will tell you upfront - no PBSO officer is going to stop me from stating my piece should I feel like it. No Grand Poombah sitting up there with his friggin gavel is going to sic armed goons at me. I do not believe that the PBSO will even go along with manhandling and aside from standing there arms akimbo with thumbs in belt and looking intimidating. tTey can do nothing.  I REPEAT - THEY CAN DO NOTHING and should they try , oh, boy, what lovely lawsuits against the Grand Poombah, the PBSO itself, and other governmental entities and you too, you moron, for inciting the practice of this, for engaging in a conspiracy to violate civil rights and on and on. Such a lovely picture this makes. Oh, for sure, you moron, you Fascist, this will definitely raise the values of the units!
     Do you even hear yourself, fool? Do you even understand what you are saying? Or are you simply a puppet of the Poombah and the Snake as you type out your lines? As was so aptly put , "Lord, what fools these mortals be!".Why not go beat your head like a rug until it can function, even if barely, and try to understand what you are saying and encouraging. And remember - this is the same generation that manned the barricades in their youth and shouted. "Power to the People!" Well, WE ARE THE PEOPLE HERE!

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