Tuesday, December 16, 2014


     Plainly and simply put, life here in Florida has been just grand lately. The nights are cool and wonderful for sleep and the days beautiful and sunny after the morning chill. Friends have returned, birthdays celebrated, routines established and all is good.
    What is really great to say is that the resistance to the current administration is picking up. People have reached their breaking point and saying, "enough is enough". The Sunday meeting of the Messengers Club is a prime example of this forward movement. Contrary to the last DA, people here were quiet, listening attentively, clapped where they felt particularly moved to do so, and asked intelligent questions. There was no restlessness and none of that senior citizen strong sense of impatience and running out of attention time. Everyone sat there literally for hours, listening, asking questions, and left with high spirits.
     Lest you think that we are the only community with an administration like this, dictatorial and wasteful, be assured that we are not alone. In discussion with several friends from other south Florida communities, they too have dictators but they are in a quandary as to what to do. I told them to take a look at us and follow our lead. The situation can be changed through determination and knowledge that this is a long term battle rather than a quick foray.
     I do not know what it is that makes these people feel they can dictate. Perhaps it is because they had common positions in their working lives with lots of bosses over them and here they feel they can be "The Boss". Perhaps it is a quirk in their personalities, but whatever it is, we will not stand for it any longer.
     Kudos to all those who have battled long and hard for this, who have taken abuse thrown at them, been ridiculed, and yet who have soldiered on. Kudos to those who have come of late to the battle and supported the fight against dictatorship and ruinous policies for our Village. Let us keep it up, attend the assembly, go to the committee meetings if possible, and let our voices be heard.
Listen, watch and vote appropriately. Remember, the Grand Poohbah is just that - and can do NOTHING to you, not personally with his mouth or with his computer, and can not harm your association.
     Fix your annual budget.
     Vote down the proposed budget at the Jan. 2, 2015 DA.
     Be watchful and wary of another attempt to slide the Wi Fi in there again.
     Bring up term limits again and vote them in and get this dude and buddies out of there.
     There is much to do - but it can be done. We have seen that.

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