Friday, February 6, 2015


     Well, unfortunately we lost today's battle on the budget. How that happened is beyond me. The numbers were off and unjustified, there were no answers as to the location of the sweep accounts and no answers as to why there are accounts of over, way over, $250,000. If they are being swept, then someone is way overdue in calling in the sweepers!!!!
     In addition, I have never seen a treasurer answer questions in such a contemptuous  answer and an attitude towards and for the questioner and a response of "because I felt like it." Really? Try that in Congress. Try that in the State offices. Only here does it fly and that is why we are in such dire straits.
     The voting was carried out in a most ridiculous and unthought out manner with confusion and noise, with no clear path to hear or see what was going on. So how can we trust the ballots of the election next month to be done any better, especially with such a huge  amount of people running for Exec. Bd.
     As for VP, here they are  -
1. Marcia Ziccardy - She is a current VP and has much experience and has been fighting a lone battle against the forces of evil currently ensconced in power. While at times she can seem to  be a bit abrasive, it is only for the good of the Village and she has no underhanded or hidden motives in mind. She tells the truth, whether you like it or not.She will continue to make an excellent VP, especially if more people opposed to David Israel get elected so there is no more rubber stamp board.

2. John Gluszack (sorry if I misspelled) - John is not polished. He has no fake veneer overlaying him so what he is comes shining through. What he is, is a NY'er, born and bred and a knowledgeable person to deal with the infrastructure of the Village. If he had been listened to, the major sinkhole that cost us $70,000 that we really did not have to spare, could and would have been fixed when it was a small little opening. However, as usual, egos interfered, amongst them that of Ed Black, as usual, and so we had a huge and expensive mess to clean up. John is one of the kindest people I have ever met and I have seen him take money from his own pocket to help someone. He can be creative as well. He would make a return to the office of VP a good thing for the Village.
3. Barbara Cornish - With a number of years of experience, Barbara can do a good job BUT - we would need to be reassured that she would not resign in the middle as she has done before. I believe she can be trusted with our money as she is fierce in her demands to see everything pass thru the bid committee. What I would like to see cleared up is the question of associations, the people she associated with, who will continue to maintain their harmful influence and personnaes in UCO. I would like reassurance that they will be weeded out and that new people will be allowed and even asked to join UCO.
4. Ed Black - EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. Ring the bell and shout, "unclean, unclean!" The man has screwed our funds up royal and only Dorothy Tetro was able to stop him and the Grand Poohbah. He wants all monies in one fund so he can slush around in it and then when the ----- hits the fan, he will say or claim he knows nothing. The truth is, he does know nothing, other than to cause harm. Allegedly,he is the one who sends me on a daily basis, nasty and even filthy emails to my blog, remarks of prejudice, religious, racial, and sexist. He even has sent many of them directly from his UCO computer. This is a man, a snake, that we want OUT of UCO, not ensconced in an official person. The harm he has done in his non elected position is bad enough and now we can thank him for that oh so wonderful security contract that truly sucks!
     As far as the Executive Board candidates, I have not seen a full and complete list, but at present, my suggestion is to pick 5-7 and vote for those only. It is called bullet voting, and the present UCO group uses it extensively, along with packing the electorate.
    However, what must be made very clear now is this: ED BLACK CANNOT BE ANYWHERE NEAR THE BALLOTS. HE IS A CANDIDATE AND HIS HANDS ARE A NO GO FOR TOUCHING OR CARRYING OR COUNTING THE BALLOTS. Put that in your pipe and smoke that, Gorodetzer. Perhaps we will even have a clean election this time around. Try to plan it properly and it might work out . Try it - you might like it and feel better about yourself and perhaps others will not distrust you so much.
     People, there is a month to ensure a proper UCO administration or at least a start to one. It is in your hands, so be thoughtful, put aside your nasty behavior as the present group encourages and try to do the right thing - for your sake and mine - for all our sakes. This is not a football game where one cheers or boos and then life resumes. This IS a question of how our life will be here in the Village. So grow up, swallow your pride and do the right thing. Vote in the right people and blow away the chaff.

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