Monday, February 23, 2015


     I am imagining that the left side of the child David Israel's report card left much to be desired and was a sign of the future. "Plays well with others", "Co-operation", and all the other categories of sharing, working out issues, etc., - all these would have been marked insufficient, with improvement needed.
     All we have to do is look at today's UCO administration and realize that the man David Israel is no different than the child and that is a sad commentary. The man does not know how to work well with others, nor to control his temper, nor to plan for future needs of others - only himself, nor does he have any social graces.
     Now how do we know that? Simple. Just look at the track record he has left and understand that the future track record will be no better and probably even worse as we are in a precarious situation financially and socially as the Village is riven with anger and hostility. All that could be solved if there would be a resignation of the current president and then take his adviser? puppeteer? with him.
     No one was consulted other than Ed Black when he started the draining of our funds for the roads. No one was consulted except for Ed Black and then his handpicked Wi Fi committee when he tried to stuff it down our throats. Certainly no one was consulted when suddenly we find that there is a broadband committee and then that same committee met secretly to start planning to stuff that down our throats. What was even worse is the fact that within the notes of the meeting we see that all is to be ceded to a company called CSI. They will handle and decide everything - money, politics, formation, legalities and on and on. Wonder who owns that company?!
     Instead of doing that, after a report by a PBSO representative at the DA, I asked was it not better to have a class  with handouts, lessons, etc. wherein the seniors in the Village would be taught how to avoid the ID theft and other pitfalls of the Internet. This would certainly be better than just the telling and re-telling of the statement - "be careful".
     Well, what do you know! David Israel commented that it was a good idea and then we moved on. Now, in the schedule of the committee meetings for March what does one see? A meeting of the ID Theft Committee. Yes, the very same idea I had but this is a committee. Surely there were no sheets for volunteers for this committee as it was NEVER announced. Surely, the one who stood up and suggested it should have been asked to be on the committee and help shape the programs and that would be me. But oops, forgot, didn't I, that that crazy paranoid man swore, in writing and orally, that "that woman will never be allowed" on any committee.
    Back to the past and does not play well with others. People, is this the "leader" that we want and need for the future? Is this the path we are going to choose, the one that will lead us down to ruination? the path that after statements about the funding of the residents' pool at the Clubhouse suddenly produced more facts about the horrendous cost, not the $120,000 that was put about, but over $180,000 and I do not believe that figure as Howie O'Brien, the Treasurer, told one villager that the cost was a quarter of a million dollars.
     Now look at the crazy, spendthrift ideas that the man has for the future. Look at his usurpation of power by using his zombie delegates to vote for rescinding term limits, something that was always, and rightfully so, in place here in the Village. It was here for a purpose. Too many years in office leads to poor administration. It leads to stale thoughts, to corruption, to egotism, to lack of care for the electorate and too much thought on how to grow and maintain power and control, particularly over the finances and funds of the Village.
     The man and his acolytes, the policy of cronyism, must be shut down, must be put out to pasture. We can begin by voting in new and fresh people, avoiding every one of the people he says he wants - and who is he to tell us whom to vote for and do not forget, he threw his supporters under the bus, like Jackie Karlin and Jean Komis. The man has no loyalty other than to himself and to Ed Black. Interesting that, the man has been away in Orlando again and guess what - no nasty emails other than the inane ones from Gracie. Hmmmmm.........
     Next step is to remember to vote down any of his nefarious plans for broadband or wasting of our money. Why not pay attention to the dangers of the Internet before expanding to a huge amorphous and unnecessary system where security is even looser, easier to penetrate. Where are the lessons for our seniors who need to know, for example, that Lenovo computers, quite popular now, made in China, were embedded with spyware at their point of production!!!! And no matter what malware system or two or three that you used it was not detectable. Why not make people aware of that and that there is a way to get rid of two bad things on the computers, one worse than the other. And by the way, if you need help on that, we did our own check and Gerry can help you with it.
     We must get rid of the no term limits, restore that rule to our Village. We must do that before the next election and when there are enough of our snowbirds to vote its return. In the meanwhile, remember .....


and the effort begins NOW.

Tomorrow I will begin to put names on the blog that are worthy of support in the upcoming elections. Remember, that in the Exec. Bd elections, it is a better technique to vote for 6 or so people in a bullet approach, so as to maximize their votes as compared to other candidates. And remember, do not vote for ANY of the candidates that he recommended. And remember, as well, that there was no official Forum this year and when one was offered, the Grand Poohbah imperially ordered his suckups not to go. Yet the people who came, and there was a nice representation, speak well of the opportunity, whether they spoke, asked questions, or simply listened in a display of American rights, something this man does not want nor remember nor honor.

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