Friday, February 27, 2015


     In every institution, in every business and in every campaign, there comes a time to take stock and see what has been going on and what works and what does not. So let me do that here.
     This year's campaign, next Friday's vote, is not just from this year alone. It does not make sense to look at it that way for otherwise the doings of dear David make no sense at all - and trust me, while that is often the case, it is not so here.
     When I ran for president last year, David was sure that he would win, and so he did, but he was shocked at the fact that there was so much opposition towards him and so much success despite every roadblock he placed in our way. The work of all those who had opposed him for quite some time had begun to take root and this year it has blossomed and we can see that in the votes about Wi Fi and the budget.
     We  can also see that in the campaign that David is running against me, a candidate for Executive Board. Truly, why does he think it necessary to let loose his trumpet, or his cannon, or whatever, and keep that blast on his blog for days on end? Why, because it is what I represent, the hopes of thousands of disenfranchised people here in the Village, people who oppose him despite all he has done, despite all the chicanery associated with the elections. And yes, he will put the same political machinery into use this year and bring out all the delegates who never attend meetings, but who are living in practically ghost associations, so he can control them  - bring them, tell them how to vote, and take 'em home again. And for sure, they will be told that above all, do not vote for Sutofsky.
     But David, let me explain something. I will not be crushed should that happen. Nope, there is always tomorrow and like the gadfly, I will be there, in your face, as long as you bar me from UCO, from using my knowledge and skills towards the betterment of the Village. I, and many others, will remain right there - at the assemblies, on the blog, and wherever and whenever we must appear and make a "joyful noise" as we exercise our rights as Americans to free speech and an open political arena - or what should be open.
     So, what else? Oh, we have a person who takes me to task for allowing Eduardo to post on my blog because he/she does not use a real name. Or so this one says. Well, G.G, just about all know who Eduardo is and if you do not, well....draw your own conclusion. And as far as hiding identities - hallo! Pot calling the kettle here? Should we say hi to,   Ed, The point is, think before you post. Oh, dear, I forgot to say that in the same email or comment, you take me to task for USING my real name. Hey, be fair here, you cannot ban both ways. I know that David has tried mightily to ban all efforts and speech in opposition, but, this is America, again!!!!
     So where do we stand? Quite tall, actually. The mighty and saved blast at the devil, me, seems to have gone Pfffft! In fact, it has backfired, but that is his problem, not mine, so what is next? What other perverted, twisted plan is in effect? Who the hell cares - and that is the truth, though I must admit, in the interest of full disclosure, that I did so enjoy the hearty laugh I got from the ridiculous attempt to blacken my name. Thank you ever so much.
     What do we do next? We keep on truckin'- on the blog, in meetings and wherever and whenever we can. We keep up the effort whether we win or lose seats in this election though I do hope, naturally, that we do win seats. Our voices have been heard, are being heard, and will continue to be heard despite all efforts to shut them down. And I must confess, I enjoy it. I enjoy examining things and making problems clear, just as much as I would enjoy working on bringing our Village back to a sound footing, but ....well, you all know the story.
     One last funny story. Someone told me that she and her friends have now read many of my postings and think that I should write for The Reporter. When I finished laughing and had a drink of water to clear my throat, I explained the issue at point - that Joy Vestal would rather die before letting me write for the paper , OUR paper, not hers, but that is the reality of it. She said that is not fair, and I replied, "Welcome to CV."
     So to sum up. We are doing quite well. We are in a better place than we were two years ago and that place will only improve. We are encouraged and encouraging.
     As for the votes - simple.

Do not vote for anyone that he recommended. Not for VP and not for the Board. Do not vote for the people he has ignored, such as Jean Komis and Jackie Karlin. There are people there I do not know - Milton Cohen (who is a confused gentleman), Christine Armour (I believe she is new to the Village), and Abe Malawski (who I hear is a tad fickle) but I do not know them and cannot recommend voting for them.
     That leaves the following -
VP - Ziccardy and Gluszak

Exec. Bd. - a maximum of ten, better off bullet voting for about 6. Of course I hope you vote for me, but the choice is yours. These are the names to choose from - and are written in no particular order, only as they came to mind.

Esther Sutofsky                 Stewart Richland
George Lowenstein           Olga Wolkenstein
Howie Silver                      Eileen Pearlman
Carol Szepesi                     Dot Lowenstein
Susan Imp                         Ruth Grossman
Jerry Karpf                       Marilyn Pomerantz
Marcella Schonhaut

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