Thursday, February 26, 2015


     That is the question posed on the other blog. I much prefer the questions of Shakespeare - "To be or not to be" or "Whether tis better...." and they can keep on coming, but the question was posed, so it needs an answer. Briefly, an emphatic yes is the answer. Who would not want a person who knows that it IS OUR board, not a mere shadow of David Israel? Who has ideas, programs, steps in mind, to better our Village and get it back on track. Who is simply a person who believes in honesty so what you see is what you get and what she sees and understands, and analyzes and proposes and ideates and agonizes over is also what you will get. So, YES, this is a person to vote for.
     I have often stated, openly and in meetings as well, that you can vote for whomever you wish, as long as it is someone who can think independently, who is not a shill, a puppet for the master, a rubber stamp for the continued dangerous misdeeds of our current administration.

     Let's see, what else? Aha! "Blatant disrespect" Really? RESPECT MUST BE EARNED, AS WELL AS DISRESPECT. I have no respect for our current leader and friends. I strongly believe, no, I KNOW that they have damaged our home. They will continue to damage our home if left in place. Why and how would I respect that? They have earned my disrespect, for I despise those who try to impose their will on others, who refuse to allow process and procedure, free speech, the opinions of others, who engage in shady accounting principles. How could I, or anyone, for that matter, respect that?? As per the following definition of fascism,
": a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority"
 -how can you defend yourself against the name, or if the shoe fits - wear it. Where is the difference between the definition and your UCO and personal goals?

     The rest is nonsense. Is someone a tad sensitive? Well, the old saying is "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." It is the plight and fate of the politician or office holder to face criticism. It must be dealt with by asking for details, for ideas of how to improve or, conversely, to show how the position taken is correct, to co-opt the individual. If criticism drives one to the brink, to the edge of insanity, to spout stupidities, to comment on a writing style without offers of help, well, it speaks for itself. Hey, remember, I at least offered to tutor you guys for free. That coming from a Phi Beta Kappa person if you must know.
     But that is not the point. The point is that life prepares us for different things and your limit has been reached. You have overstayed at a level at which incompetence has proven dangerous to the health and well being of the Village - and even your own health and state of mind.
     Sophocles wrote that "to a man who is afraid, everything rustles". That is the point at which we can find you. That is paranoia. In your life everything rustles and instead of answering fact questions, you engage in silliness, in avoidance, in narcissistic behavior and childish tantrums. So, NO, I would not vote for you, but YES, I would vote for me. That is called democracy. Try it, you might like it - or not - if it kicks you out of office. Oh, well, c'est la vie.
     To close, at least for a while - and oh, it is only proper that you state that the highlighting and emphasis is yours and all taken out of context, but I surely do thank you for making my words available on your previously blocked blog! Anyhow, last nite a few of us drove to Pompano to hear the group The Mystics, with originals. They were great in a two hour show. But there were two songs that spoke true and loud. They sang their famous version of "Over the Rainbow" and as we all sang I wondered why we should have to wait till we go over the rainbow, why we cannot dream here, in our world, where dreams can come true. The show was closed with a tribute to veterans and one of my favorite songs, "I'm Proud to be an American." The vets stood, and as the song was sung I stood up to join them in pride and patriotism, in appreciation of what our country gives to us, our democracy. And as I stood, others followed until the hall was aroar with people singing in loud and proud voices. So why do I have to go to Pompano to take pride in democracy? The true question, my dear deluded and overwhelmed David, is - why do we not have it here and why is it such a threat to you?
     So, I ask again, come out, come out, wherever you are - and discuss the issues, face up to your record, defend it if you can. Then, and only then, will you have earned any respect at all, at least for doing the right thing, if not for your record. And again, would you vote for this woman - YES AND YES AND YES.  I like her, think she's pretty cool - and her grandchildren think so too, so not to worry, dear David, whatever happens, life goes on.
     Now, dear readers, please read the following posting, one of the best of Eduardo. Feel the passion and the agony and then ask yourself why this must continue.

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