Monday, March 16, 2015


      The most famous phrase around this Village is "out of order". It is either being misused at the DA or being said in jest and jeer at the most frequent user of the phrase. So really, what does this phrase mean? When should it be used?
     It should be used when a member is being disruptive, perhaps asking a question that is out of the current context, or is in some way being physically or verbally offensive and disruptive BUT NOT WHEN A PERFECTLY PROPER QUESTION IS BEING ASKED IN PERFECTLY PROPER TONE AND LANGUAGE AND IS APROPOS OF THE SITUATION. It should have nothing to do with the opinion expressed by the speaker.

     How is it used here, in our DA? Totally improperly. A current example is when at the last DA one speaker asked a question of the treasurer as to what happened to certain funds, perfectly apropros. When should one ask a budget question if not when the treasurer is reporting on that very item. In fact, after the question was asked, and the chair snarled "out of order", the very same amount was then mentioned as the treasurer continued. Quite frankly, we all should have stood up and fought that statement, called a point of order or walked out, whatever, but we did not and I, for one, acknowledge that I sat there, just tired, just wondering if it all made a difference, thinking that maybe only Father Time will be the arbiter of this whole issue. So I apologize to the member who asked the question and shame on all of us - including the illustrious chair who never fulfills that role in the way it should be done.
     Out of order is not to be used to muffle and muzzle free speech. It is not to be used to batter down opposition. It is not to be used by the chair in a partisan manner as the chair is SUPPOSED to be neutral and display no bias one way or the other. (HA!!!!) It will be used in that way in any dictatorial society and that, my friends, is what we have here.

     Bob Rivera wonders why I am not on a committee and I should be. Jean Komis says that David Israel has no control or displays lack of control, that  "he needs to stay
impartial and conduct the meetings in an orderly manner." 
     Here, I enter a challenge? A request? to Barbara Cornish, our new VP. Last year you said that if you had room on your bid committee I would be appointed. Well. New year new members. Time to put your money where your mouth is for if not, you have joined in on this presently misused system.
   Finally, I have a question to Pat Sealander and obviously it then goes up the ladder to David Israel. Why was a certain elected Executive Board member NOT present at the installation? It was because that member had been asked to pay $30 for the privilege of entering the Clubhouse room - which he helps pay for as a resident of the Village - and being installed and for that "privilege" would be given a salad as dietary restrictions precluded eating the meal being served.
     Now, since the federal government and businesses can make accommodations for religious reasons, why is it that here in CV we cannot do the same? Is there more underlying this action and attitude? Is there shame in the "leader" to make these accommodations?? Where is Pat Sealander in all this? Whose directives is she following and if her own, then perhaps she needs to be impeached or called to task, chided at an assembly. At the very least this newly elected member, a prior member of several administrations and former president of UCO deserved better than this! David Israel, you who constantly complain that you do not get "proper" respect - you need to fix this offense.

Please scroll down for today's question of the day. Thank you.

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