Tuesday, March 17, 2015


          There are many things in this world that I do not understand. I wonder how and why people would do something and I wonder why G-d would let these things happen. I am not a theologist and do not claim to have any special insight into G-d, but I do wonder if He is asleep at times, napping, while we, His creations, run amok, having at each other as if there is no tomorrow. And at times I wonder if there really will be a tomorrow for our children and grandchildren.
     But my biggest area of misunderstanding is about people and their motives. What makes people tick? Actually, I know that there are nefarious and selfish motivations, but what I do not understand is why people act on them, what do they gain in this behavior?
     I used to tell my kids, biological and educational, and in fact, still do, in various chats, real and online, that the bottom line is important, that bottom line being will it leave you with a positive feeling, will you gain any goodness from it? If the answer to that is no - then forget it and move on.
     Around the world we have many people who work with that value. The Ebola health volunteers, brave as anyone. Soldiers who go into battle for home and country, for family and nation, for the right values. People who choose humanitarian careers in fields where money is not the motivation but the need to serve and help people are. My three  kids are all doing that. I am so proud of them.
     And then, of course, I look at our world here, the Village, and think about the people whose names one hears, whose names are associated with the politics in the Village. We have volunteers who give graciously and generously of their time and energy. We have volunteers who ask nothing for it but the good feeling they get from doing whatever it is they do and keep themselves busy at the same time. We have people in the Village who care nothing at all for administration, only that their "resort" be there for them with everything they demand and hence we get some issues that develop over priority of needs.
     We also have people who want what is right for CV. They are the guardians, those who gain nothing but aggravation as they face the entrenched opposition who sadly enough, seem to feel that the "power" of office, or even not office but the granted power that has devolved upon them from another elected official, that power serves them, makes them feel good. Well, that is okay, all are entitled to feel good about their deeds, but the question here is - do they deserve to feel that way? Do we continue to let them wreak havoc on our finances, on the very fabric of our home, to spit in the face of democracy.
     (At this point, a private note - dearie, you need serious help to deal with your anger issues and seriously soon. Reread what you write every day, sometimes several times a day and think.)
     We, as the residents of CV, need to evaluate and see where our bottom lines lie. Are we in this just for the joy in living in a virtual sleep-a-way camp for the remainder of our active days or are we also in this to make our lives better, to improve our environment, to set an example for our kids, to show others that simply because we are seniors that we are not fools and ripe for the picking, that we can be sensible, decent, caring, thoughtful and forward looking people, people who work within the parameters of our country and its ideals, people who do not ignore others nor send them ridiculous responses. We have so many good people here in CV. Don't they deserve a good place to live, a place that is kept in tiptop condition with the proper prioritization, funding, and planning?
     Again, I do not understand the motivations and "gains" of people at times and in a sense, I am happy about that as at least it lifts me out of the muck in which they thrive and I know that my motivations are not selfish, not greedy, understand the purpose and morality of accepting responsibility of position and serving the electorate. And I sit and wonder, at times, is it worth it all? Is it worth the time, the agita, the abuse, the hamster wheel that we sometimes seem to be on, but then again, I wonder how can one  not do what is right. That would spit in the face of all that I have been taught by wonderful people in my life.
     It all comes down to motivation, the right kind and the wrong. Again, out of order? Not the opposition is it? Please look the other way. And please do not give up and join us in the ongoing struggle to right our administration and get it back on track, where all are welcome to serve and volunteer, where all are welcome and where "out of order" need not be used and abused any longer.
    Please remember to look every day at the new question and the calendar of days of non response. Thank you.

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