Sunday, March 1, 2015


     The Thinker has always been one of my favorite works of art. I just love the pose, the thought and presentation. It also reminds me that some people do not think clearly and need help to see thru their fog.
     Today, we do not have a thinking clearly person at the head of UCO. We do have a man caught up in his own fog who is trying to drag others down and into it with him. Let us examine the most recent example.
     For close to a week, the top listed item on David's personal blog is the tirade against me. You should see it in all its insanity and overblown presentation! So let's examine its purpose.
     1. Why has it been on for close to a week with its date of insertion constantly changing? Answer: Because David Israel has nothing else to say other than a rant that he thought was well calculated to scare me off ( and Olga before me). Well, it has had an effect - it made me laugh and I do love to laugh! It has opened my thoughts and presentation of the lacks and miseries of the current administration to lots of people, and ain't that grand!
       2.  What does it mean? Well, seriously, it actually means that the man is running out of ideas and is running scared. Why is he using what he thinks is a sledgehammer to knock down, smash to pieces, one little ole candidate for one seat on the Executive Board? Why is he so afraid of me? I am one person, one vote. What frightens him is the fact that others will follow, have followed and are rethinking their positions.
      3. What are the implications and understandings? Well, for one thing it shows that Mister David has been assiduously reading and rereading my blog postings! See, I knew that already as I keep track of who reads so I know exactly who it is that sends me the nasty stuff, but now everyone knows. Ha, David! Hoist by your own petard, are you? In fact, you have chosen some good strong postings that set out your failings quite nicely, so please, do keep your blog the way it is, at least for the next week or so. Thank you ever so much.
      But there are more things here than just his ridiculous postings that he thinks are terrorizing to his opponents. NOT! He thinks, as do all dictators, weak people with no self confidence though they do have strong and selfish egos, that he can be voted in as Dictator for Life. HE has decided what is allowed or not by his use of "non sanctioned and unauthorized" meetings, statements, publications and videos. HE threatens, as do all fascists, to use force, even armed force, on those who dare to speak up and oppose him. He has excellent role models - see China, Argentina, Nazi Germany, Putin, Stalin, Mussolini, various countries in Africa and South America, and do not forget our Arab allies of the Middle East who have some history with dictators, I believe! Does all this make you proud, David, that you are a "student" of history?
     Well, it should not and people, just imagine, draw it in your mind, the image of big, burly guards and PBSO deputies hauling out those who dare to come up to the mic and IN PERFEECT RIGHT according to all rules - including the sacred Robert's Rules that David keeps shouting about and oh, that shouting, that spittle flying - just see in your mind the image of these dudes picking up and carrying out, handcuffed, bent over, overpowered seniors, even wheeling some who cannot walk fast enough or at all, and David sitting up there smirking with that dumb grin of his. Is THAT the picture of CV you want out there? You, who talk of the sales value of the Village - is that going to raise the values?
     David Israel tries to demonize his opponents, to take away all legitimacy from them and hold them to a double standard wherein he associates them with evil terms and deeds, questions their rights and then spouts ridiculous nonsense about them and complains and whines and whinges when people do not bow before him and criticize him. You must have learned much of the enemy during your stint at the NSA as you use the same tactics against your opponents! Again, great role models, little man.
     If this is the best that you can do, then good for you. It is always the right thing to do, to try to be the best that one can be, but it is truly revelatory as one sees how much you are lacking and even how far you have fallen and how much you have twisted even the good things that you have done. Yes, you brought in greater use of computers, but how nasty that has turned in your closing off the cloud to your "enemies" of the moment. You have had some experience that might have helped the Village, but instead you demand that people listen to you, and only you and your experience counts for naught. You have turned the halls of UCO into a nasty place, where people are called names, denigrated in front of others with nasty terms. So what is really going to be your legacy, David? Exactly what?
     Finally, let me ask all of you out there a question. On Friday I met with a committee trying to see that the delegates are allowed to have a chance to vote before some alternates try to get in there - or are already there - and vote other than the wishes of the association. Well, there was one nasty, nasty dude, a president of an association, a man who spoke with one of those throat mikes, and to me his words represent the whole gist of David Israel and his supporters. When questioned as to why he is against the proposal this is what he said. And I paraphrase, as I do not have a recording - but David does! He said that if the building wants him to vote for x and y, and he likes a and b, then SCREW THEM and he will vote for whomever he wants. 
     Is this what we want for our Village, for our home? Start the process of ridding ourselves of these selfish and nasty people. Start by insisting that your delegates vote for YOUR association and its wishes - whatever they may be. Start by making sure that you remove any sneaky alternates from the roll of people allowed to vote. Go in there to Edie with a letter with your association seal and get rid of them. Start by voting in thinking and independent people who are not afraid of that man and his mouth. Vote the list I included in another blog posting and will replicate here. Let us make a start so that next year we can start to breathe the air of democracy and truth, the fresh air. What a quaint idea! Vote me in. Vote us in and let us do what needs to be done.

VP - Ziccardy and Gluszak
Exec. Bd. - a maximum of ten, better off bullet voting for about 6. Of course I hope you vote for me, but the choice is yours. These are the names to choose from - and are written in no particular order, only as they came to mind.

Esther Sutofsky                 Stewart Richland
George Lowenstein           Olga Wolkenstein
Howie Silver                      Eileen Pearlman
Carol Szepesi                     Dot Lowenstein
Susan Imp                         Ruth Grossman
Jerry Karpf                       Marilyn Pomerantz
Marcella Schonhaut

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