Friday, March 13, 2015


        Remember the song and the sentiment it stood for and aroused within people all over the world? Well, the statement is true in another sense. We, here in the Village, reflect much of the trouble of the world in our own smaller version.
     Ever look around at the world and wonder when it will ever get some sense? When the ostensible leaders will actually do something, and something right at that, so a situation can truly be alleviated? When something will be done because it is the right thing to do and not because it is advantageous at the moment so to hell with the past?
     Today there was an article that the UN has lost respect for its actions because the war in Syria has dragged on for four years with no sign of abatement. Part of that is because they only pay attention to the battering of the Israelis rather than battering down ISIS and Nusra! It drags on because no one has the courage to say what is true, to point out the Emperor's  LACK of new clothes and why? Because they are afraid or it is not PC or not politically expedient or because they personally benefit by their own actions or inaction.
     France and England have been at odds since 1066 and the Norman invasion. France has been at odds with everyone for one reason or another and just this week decided to unacknowledge the defeat at Waterloo! Russia and Putin make believe that the "volunteers" are not Russian Army and the world goes along because it is easier and the list goes on and on. And finally, there is a fuss because Nigeria and Chad have hired mercenaries to fight the Boko Haram because the rest of the world seems to have taken a nap where they are concerned!
    And so to the Village. The more things change.....ah, but wait, nothing changes, at least not in the past few years. The same nonsense and incompetence with our funds, the same secret deals, meetings and contract discussions and signings, the same people doing the same old same old and the group in ostensible power getting smaller and smaller as more and more people are thrown under the bus. But there are signs of fresh air and maybe we can lead the way. There are new delegates being appointed to associations, new officers, more people raising questions concerning the same old stuff going on, more questions and opposition in the assembly,  more demands for Town Hall meetings so that the residents can tell their delegates what they wish as they learn the truth about what is going on.
     Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel but there is still much to be done, just as the world needs much to be done. We have to be citizens of the world and of the Village, act properly for each sphere and think carefully before we connect the arrows at the polls. Hang in there, folks, and remember - we will keep flying the flag, no matter the abuse, the names called or the threats made. We shall keep asking questions that apparently will never be answered because either the answer is not known or will prove to be inimical towards the present administration. But keep asking we shall!!!
     And just as an aside, remember to enjoy life in the meanwhile. Go for new experiences, make new friends and laugh. We just attended an a cappella concert or sing off last nite and what a great time it was. The groups were enormously talented, with much audience rapport and lots of laughs and standing ovations with an audience from 10 to 90. So go, enjoy life and the rest will come at the proper time.

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