Sunday, April 26, 2015


          The title seems redundant, as deja vu is having the feeling that the moment you are in is one that has happened to you before and quite frankly, that is what we have here in the Village, a sense of reliving things again and again and again and the term deja vu needs to be upgraded to a stronger intensity.
     "may the world at least behold a drop,
       a fraction of this tragic world in which we lived"

     This statement, which breaks one's heart, was written by Salmen Gradowski, dated Sept. 6, 1944, and was found or discovered after liberation in a flask buried on the grounds of the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematorium.

     The courage, the despair, the human determination to leave a trace, a true legacy in this world, all are present here and we can not possibly compare nor fully understand the emotions of the man at that point, as he buried his note to history.This is man reaching the highest point of humanity at the same time that man reached the lowest point of humanity, if it could even be called that - humanity.
     Man has within its makeup the choice to be either - the high or the low, and it is to our great sadness that we see the low point far more alluring to a small group of people here in the Village and I am not talking about the reformers but about the true malcontents, the members of David Israel's coterie, his minions. Granted, they have not fallen as low as one can fall, but they seem to be chasing that "achievement", do they not and the true colors they display in this chase towards Hell are not pretty ones, not the colors of a Crayola box of crayons.
     Here we go again and again and again. Last year I asked for the originals of the voting papers and was delayed, refused, then told only copies and I would have to pay for the copies, an expense unnecessary for originals is what I wanted and requested and then they pulled garbage on others who also asked to see the relevant papers - all allowed by law and which must be released upon request.
     This year, I immediately requested the originals and when I was denied, against the law, David Israel then took it upon himself to upload copies to the cloud to which HE has the password and final sayso of ALL our UCO documents, and after a delay of almost two months and several legal letters, he finally said okay to go link up and nastily teased all with the length and the time needed to do that. Well, guess what? Several people tried and it cannot be done! Not surprised there, are you? But be assured that I am not yet done with this.
     This is the same man and buddies who wish to make all opponents of their nasty and wasteful ways just disappear from public view. Shut down the media to them even if that means there are no more media outlets in the Village. Hey, he thinks, who cares, as long as they are gone.
     Well, WE ARE HERE and here we remain, not letting go and determined to have our rights and bring the Village back to an even and stable keel. We do not hint that working as anything in life before CV is dishonest or contemptible, but Gracie does when she asks if someone had worked as a "garbageman" - and if one had - so what? Is being an NSA guy any better in the sense that they troll through garbage, electronic though much might be? Screwed yourself, there, dearie. Ah, I can just hear Cyndi Lauper singing "True Colors". You see, any honest work is just that - honest and honorable. Hard for you to understand that concept - I understand.
      Meanwhile, demented Peter Cruz continues in his nasty path but has he come to any of the Messenger Club meetings and spoken up properly? Nope! That would take courage and honesty.
     Now, more deja vu - read the new issue of the rag and see how we are back where we were. Once more David Israel is railing on and on about Wi Fi, this time in the guise of broadband. Anyone keeping up with this field and what is going on in the papers about this topic KNOWS that that world is in an uproar, changing faster than you can shake a stick at and we need to let it settle down before making any more costly and disastrous decisions for the Village. No where in the article does he point out that all this streaming, all this capacity, is already here for many of us - and in the form of broadband it is NOT free either. Streaming from the various providers costs money. Once more we are talking infrastructure, fees, building issues, safety - and in making sure that someone we know is blocked from laying on his hot little hands to access the broadband that we use. Once more we are rushing into something that we need to investigate, evaluate and wait for the air to clear. The federal regulations are first beginning, never mind caught up and again WE NEED TO WAIT.
     Once more the rag, the investigations committee, and UCO are calling for volunteers but when the volunteers come - they must pass the David Israel test - do you obey his every word or not, and if not, then out you and your application go! Such hypocrisy.
     They try all sorts of tricks. Lanny Howe has given up writing on the first David blog and now writes on Elaine's - no difference there, you know. What does he write? About the problem of rentals in the Village, how they are growing and the problems that can ensue. Correct - BUT nowhere do I see where he takes his buddies to task as they own multiple units and rent them out- part of the problem, not the solution. Truth in advertising, Lanny - ever hear of it?
     So- the same garbage, the same attempts in different clothing, the true colors of the true malcontents and the efforts and determination of the reformers to counter all this for the sake of our home - and yours.

     Here is a proverbial saying that I came across in a book I was reading and enjoying.

      "I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing, therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to my fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

Never too late to change one's path in life and this is a pretty good guide. Think about it, you true malcontents out there. A good life  lived is a joy to one's soul. Try it.

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