Wednesday, April 22, 2015


     I do not know who came up with the title of the TV show, but it certainly fits or would fit a show based on the goings on at CVWPB. It appears as if all we have around here, all that comes out of the UCO building, are secrets and lies, messages that are sent only to those who must hold the decoding rings from the private club, messages that are esoteric in their meaning and content, and censorship galore!
     We are told to accept any and all announcements and pronouncements that come out of that building as sanctified. Never mind when the lies are so blatant that one could trip over them or the words within contain such harmful intent that a blind person could see them.
     So let's take stock at what we have going on here. For two elections David Israel has refused to open the books and the papers of the election, only copies and who knows what he has done to the originals by the time he finally says okay to something that he had no right to say no to in the first place! This battle is on going. He continues to deny access to the books of UCO and keeps all things secret, including many meetings, especially those that are held afterhours at nite or on Sunday. This is a violation of the Sunshine law.Parking cars in the back does not hide it. That is more on the line of babies and peek a boo!
     We have a UCO president who aims to suppress all opposition to his sometimes insane actions. The paper, The Reporter, is a piece of garbage at the present time. All the experienced workers have been thrown under the bus for the sin of wanting an open paper or being friends with reformers in the Village and all that are left are basically incompetents and yespeople, people who are led to the bathroom by their nose - after getting permission! The paper has denied access to  and denied publishing by the blackballed and thus has turned into a meaningless waste of trees and on this Earth Day perhaps we should just cancel this waste and turn directly to The Messenger, the new and vibrant and truthful newsletter that is succeeding despite all odds and attempts at suppression.
     We have Channel 63 which is now practically moribund, the Greggs resigned from it and it has deteriorated into a moving bulletin board and a showcase of ancient and freely available movies that does not really add much to the life and knowledge of a resident. Oh, but one can look at David Israel's private blog where he keeps track of all one's comings and goings as he posts camera feeds of license plates from the cars passing thru the gates and without the permission of each and every license plate owner! Not cool, Mr. Paranoid, not cool.
     And perhaps soon we will have the Big Brother show using the non permission granted cameras that are found at the desk in the Clubhouse and hinted at being in other places in the Clubhouse as well as well as elsewhere in the Village. Just think - your every movement watched and tracked. Doesn't that make you feel warm all over, so carefully tended to? NOT!!!!!
     And of course, we cannot leave out the Delegate Assembly wherein we are generally privileged every first Friday of the month to a spectacular show of infantile hysteria and paranoia in action. It is the amazing journey of a man and followers into the dark nite as they devolve from intelligent(?) adults into screeching toddlers throwing tantrums, shouting threats and whatnot. Just a lovely sight for one and all.
     Oh, and how about the messages that come thru via IFI, the club secret telegrams, although not so secret, just more and more being "unsent" to those who do not show proper obeisance to Their Holinesses, president David Black and Ed Israel - oops, once again the same error, but in my defense it is hard to distinguish between them and their deeds. And even when they are sent, nothing is clear unless one is part of the cliques and understands the secret machinations of these two. So many things are done in secret including the first attempt at Wi Fi, the present attempt to sign contracts for broadband and force one and all to pay into it, the scrapped attempts at secretly writing new by laws and Articles for the Village and UCO, all the better to rule the roost here, the unbelievable foul paving fiasco from which we are still reeling, financially and physically in the form of horrendous roads and floods, and now we have two more to add to the collection.
    Now we have a secret contract to outsource the ad section, the business section of The Reporter?!!! What garbage! This problem is easily solved by getting rid of the incompetents at the helm of the paper now and installing people who know what they are doing. But that would be too much honesty and admitting of incompetence so here we go, losing more money and then they will come to the DA and ask the delegates again to forgive the money owed by The Reporter to UCO? Bah, Humbug!!
     Finally, what the hell is that survey all about? It could be something harmless, something beneficial or something quite harmful to us but who the hell would ever know. It was in the IFI in teeny tiny print with no explanations at all, just another wonderful *&^% you to all of us as we apparently do not deserve any explanations at all.
     Perhaps we need to establish an underground as in all dictator ruled countries but oh, we already have that, do we not? That is the group of reformers, the group who stand up at the DA, the people who are joining daily, the people who volunteer to get out The messenger which SHOULD be allowed to be distributed in the Clubhouse. If we can do that with the Condo News then why not with a newsletter published and written by and for Village residents?
     So people, friends, go back and read the last few posts and see why we must keep at it, why we must plan to oust these bums, who are not harmless, but are quite toxic to our present and future. We do not write and keep these blogs for our health and certainly do not spend our funds because we have money to spare. The "samizdat or underground paper" of the Village will continue, the exposes and questions will continue on the blogs and we will continue to speak up at the assemblies and hold meetings and present speakers and do it all in an adult manner despite all the lies and hatred and tantrums and curses and everything else that is hurled at us. We will not sit down. We will not shut up. We are not out of order. And we will not be scared off by a hysterical little man screeching to call 911.
      Read and think and by the way just exactly what are we doing at this late moment in time to prepare for post Millennium. Time is a fleetin' and I bet Levy's lawyers are well up and into the task. But David Israel is too busy throwing tantrums and deep into his paranoid fantasies to do anything about this and so we will be screwed again.

PS.    and for Heaven's sake, Gracie, do something positive for the Village instead of sending me inane and asinine comments. Here are a few suggestions - get a life, get a brain or have an MRI to check on its current state of being, see an optometrist - Walmart has quite a few,  or leave, as you are always telling me to do. Go bother someone else, perhaps the person in your mirror for she is actually the only one who will give you any attention. This is advice from one who cares about you and the fool you make of yourself every day. Do your children know that this is the present condition and mental state of their mother?
     Grace, a warning. You are asking me to publish your comments - and I quote, "I think it is great that people who read your blog just see you (sic) and not what I write to you." You do not want that for then people will truly see your idiocy and nastiness and I am trying to save you from yourself and as far as other comments about what my students supposedly said, you are verging on libel and it is easily proven, so watch your mouth. And do not make me finish a ridiculous war that you have started and have you be bombarded on all your sites by my students. Time to grow up, not so amazing Grace and maybe we will come and serenade again, this time perhaps outside your apt. Just saying, a friendly warning, and as your master has found out, when you push me past my redline, it is not good for you. Your choice, honey bun! Your choice.

No, I will make my own choices and I am too busy to bother with  such as you  so just go to hell in a handbasket, go talk to yourself in the mirror and maybe you can believe your own lies but I will no longer refer to you, think of you, respond to you, or even keep your posts in my files. You do not exist and I am much too busy with life and my choices to have any time in my life for you and such as you. So #@%$ off!

In any case thank you for affording me the opportunity of fiddling with the colors. It is fun, so I guess you had a purpose in this world anyway.

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