Thursday, September 17, 2015


     Well, after listening to the debate - or at least a goodly chunk of it - and reading the analysis of it this morning, gotta' say - the answer to the question is NO, and a resounding one at that. Really and truly, are these the present and future leaders of America? The guy who says he just gave up on his job in the Senate, not showing up for votes because he does not like his fellow politicians? Really? That gives him permission to phone it home, to renege on the job given him by the voters? And the fool Trump? Shudder, shudder. And all the rest of them. Carson tries to come across as an elder and wise statesman by keeping quiet, but the question is - does he really have anything to add? Anything valid? I doubt it so his best tactic is to remain oh so wise and quiet.
     We could go thru all of them but what a crew! And these are our choices for President of the United States? Can we not do any better? The only moderate in the bunch is Pataki and he is nowhere at the moment. Dear Lord in Heaven, but we really do need some help here and we really do NOT know what we are doing. I can just picture the people all around the world wondering about the fall of quality of American leadership. The kid in Syria. The tired and ragged soldier in the Ukraine. The woman running from the Shabab attacking her Village. The Greek pensioner wondering how she is to survive. The Israeli Holocaust survivor wondering if they have been relegated to destruction once again via appeasement and lack of moral strength. And all of us here in America, waiting, waiting, for a leader. Waiting for hope for the future. Blows the mind, does it not?
     And what about here in good old CVWPB? Situation standard - SNAFU. Just yesterday I read a term that describes how many of our so called leaders here are thinking, their posture in life. It is called rectal cranial inversion. Figure it out for yourself. And this is what we have to deal with here.
     We, too, have so called leaders who are phoning it in, who have ceded all rights, all interests, all challenging thinking - all for a lollipop of their choosing. Well, we all know now that lollipops are bad for us so perhaps it is high time we stop this practice here but not with those presently in office. I truly believe that for the vast majority of them there is a lack of moral strength, lack of a will to do something, to fix the situation for it is just oh so comfortable for them. Do THEY know what they are doing? Unhappily, yes, for they know exactly what they are getting for their desertion of the residents, for ignoring the needs of the Village, for not seeing the truth even as David Israel tantrums away his life and ours, nothing is related to the delegates and residents and life just oh so sweetly goes on.
     Why have so many meetings been cancelled lately? What is happening in those areas? Just what are David Israel and Ed Black up to when they cancel a Broadband meeting? Are they signing contracts, making agreements and planning to present this as a fait accompli? The transparency here is noticeable in its glaring absence and it is replicated in the rest of the areas of UCO. What is happening with the security contract? Has David Israel lost yet another bid, not knowing where it went? How many more cameras are they planning? Why are we not getting details? What about the striping? Was it complete? Was it satisfactory? And I guess all the striping in the other areas of the Village are not an emergency so they can go undone. What is going in inside UCO? That is the question. Actually, that is the corollary to the original question - Do we know what we are doing? Do we know what UCO is doing? Do we know we MUST get rid of them , as many as possible, come March?
     Will we be content to sit by and watch our dreams go down the tubes, along with the rest of the world, or will we actually do something about it? Will we actually stand up and say something, work for a better future, change the status quo, take an active role in our own lives?
     The answer to all those questions resides in you and you and you. Do not leave it to others. Have an active say, an active part so that when the question is asked, you can say yes, proudly so - YES, at least I know what we are doing here.

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