Friday, September 18, 2015


      Attended a bid committee meeting yesterday and came out with some interesting observations. First of all, know that the discussion revolved around the repairs to the guest pool at the Clubhouse, the most used pool in the Village. And also keep in mind that this is only half of what is needed and we can look forward to not only a major delay in the use of the pool this year - at best somewhere around end of October to Thanksgiving time or beyond as weather and material delays have to be factored in, but also the same for next year.
      What seems to be beyond all acceptance is that most of the WPRF pools have had some major repair in recent years and it seems that we are now redoing or fixing the mess of that repair. The question is why? If, as Eva claims, these companies were inept and she would never use them again under her aegis, then why did Anita and why can we not hold the Levys and WPRF responsible, financially, for this carelessness in choosing vendors. And Anita received a promotion after leaving us?
     In addition, if we knew that there were going to be repairs, major work, then why did we not solicit bids way before this and not end up on September 17th discussing these bids and having work start so close to the return of the season? It seems to me that there is a lag time in thought and preparation, and we, the residents, are the ones suffering thru it - as our money is used again and again to repair again and again. Would that these new companies do a better and more permanent job this time around. In any case, looks like the indoor pool and the guest pool could conceivably be out of use at the same time. Lovely!
     On the bright side, the chair ran a good meeting, no yelling, no name calling and an attentiveness to all hands raised to speak. However, that fact is almost negated by noting that the majority of the committee and the voters were, yup, you got it, the officers of UCO, the same people who vote on everything and it does not matter even if the committee members disagree - if the officers want it - then we got it! This is part and parcel of the system that must be fixed and one of the major reasons why a petition was submitted to stop this multiple voting by the same people. Also yet another reason for term limits.
     Interestingly enough, the three quietest members present were the following: David Israel, Fausto, and Bob Marshall. Veerrry interesting, as they say. David could not dominate and Fausto who is supposed to be the present know it all about the infrastructure had very little to say, and Bob Marshall....well, what is there to say? This man is long past his sell by date as far as UCO is concerned.
     So, are we making progress? Have we begun to see the results of our banging on their heads? Possibly yes. There was a discussion of the three bids received - and there were three, a proper number. Questions were asked again about the RFP and at least two members were not happy with it and are asking for better ones, but at least this was an improvement over the ones that have come before. In addition, there was discussion and voting over the inclusion of a penalty clause in the contract. Would that we would have had that in the paving contract!! Our words and demands are obviously being heard and like it or not, we will keep demanding more and more, all for the betterment of our Village and will be there watching, watching very closely. And by the way, I came as a guest as I still have not received any answer from my committee requests. Are you surprised? I am not.
     What I truly did not like at all was the careless by the way remark that the budget of WPRF was going to be discussed today in an Operations meeting at 10 in UCO. Really? Where was this publicized? Anywhere? Nowhere? This is part and parcel of the opaque administration being run and headed by David Israel and buddies. It seems for every step forward we still have the two steps backwards. This needs to stop. WE will be trying our best to do so - are you as well? Join us. Speak up. Run for office. Become a delegate from your association. Listen carefully. Demand answers. Ask the questions for those answers. Vote for fresh minds and thoughts. It is my home, your home, our home. Think about that.

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