Friday, September 18, 2015


     Remember the Rascals back in 1968? Remember their song "People Just Gotta be Free"? It is almost as if they were prescient of our situation so many years later.
     Here is a reminder of the lyrics:
"People everywhere just wanna be, gotta be free''
.......what a lovely, lovely world this would be....(if) everyone lived together........
natural situation for men to be free"

     I took out the main ideas from  here and perhaps the officials of UCO and the people of the Village will remember back when we all thought we could change the world and the idea that all men deserved to be free was a great principle to live by. Well, that is what we want here - to be free to practice the rights that are granted to us under the Constitution of the United States of America under the First Amendment - free speech, criticism of a government or administration without fear, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press.
     Evidently David Israel, Ed Black and others of their ilk believe that this is not so. Perhaps they have their own plans, perhaps to overthrow the government and toss the Constitution in the garbage!! I could not tell you what they are thinking, only that they are so wrong that it is beyond the Pale. It is truly unAmerican.
     Why can we not publish our articles and thoughts and ideas in OUR Village paper, the one we subsidize with OUR funds? Why are we blocked from it? Why can we not distribute our new CV Messenger paper freely in the Village, in the Clubhouse, at the pools? Why are we blocked from WPRF facilities and Heaven forbid we speak a word against David Israel in these facilities or bring in a piece of paper regarding these issues and no sooner than that we are threatened with a legal letter threatening dire legal consequences. Whoo! Really? Is that the hammer and sickle I see on the flag here? Is that the sign of North Korea I see in a window of WPRF offices? Is this a dictatorship or part of the USA with all incumbent rights to all citizens? Why are we not allowed on Channel 63? Why are all paths of media access blocked? "People everywhere just wanna be free!" And ain't that the truth!
     So all of you delegates out there, all of you David groupies, really think about your acquiescence in this matter. Think how you would feel if all of a sudden one political party came out in force and banned the other party from all media access. It is the same thing here, only in our micro world rather than the outside macro world. If you agree with the tactics used by David, then understand what you are and be honest with yourself - you are believers in dictatorship, in non equal rights for people and all the evil that flows with that. Not a pretty insight or belief is it? Your Choice, but do not blame us if we continue to fight for our rights and in doing so fight for yours as well.
     By the way, just go to you tube and type in the Rascals and the song will come up. Listen to it and remember.

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