Sunday, September 20, 2015


     I had to read the posting by Lanny Howe three times to convince myself that it was actually there! It is that stupid and worse, that dangerous.
     Evidently, Lanny has missed posting one of his inane comments for some time and David and Ed obviously needed a shill to put forth this ridiculous proposal as they have railed against money restrictions for quite some time. Right now we have a control over UCO spending to some degree in that expenditures under $1000 are allowed to the president but over that needs the approval of the delegates. This is to be sure that our funds are safe from willful waste and other forms of chicanery. Well, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but to allow larger amounts including quite sizeable amounts according to the "wisdom" of Lanny, is to just throw in the towel on any control over our funds and just tell those two to just have at it. Already our control has been weakened as there are really no more truly detailed reserve lines anymore. Almost everything is just clumped together and we are left in the dark as to details.
     These controls are set in place for safety but Lanny feels it is a great encumbrance. So let's see what would happen if it were changed. Now these two spendthrifts would be able to spend thousands upon thousands on whatever they want. More spy cameras. More food supplies for UCO. Hey, even two fancy hired armed guards to stand at attention at the UCO building on a daily basis, more money on software programs for safety at the gates that do not work. But what the hey, it's only money, right!? And Lanny does not like that the delegates have a say in it? Why not ask the delegates and as far as the number of 300, good luck in getting that amount as they rarely show up, unless David and Ed dig them up for a particularly important vote, give them instructions and then drive them back and forth to the polls, returning them to their zombie stations after they have completed their task.
     Make no mistake about it. These two and their buddies have misspent our funds before without approval. Case in point - over $2 million without delegate approval before continuing to waste the rest of the $5+ million on the roads. Is that a figure that you agree with, Lanny? Should they have had the right to spend that money, to shift that money as they did, without delegate approval? Just where is your line drawn? How do we safeguard against frivolous spending, against dangerous waste of our funds? How? There is no how, just the insane giggling of those two as they realize that they would have put another one over on the residents.
     You complain of having to pay out something in several checks. Well guess what, Lanny, that is the safest way to pay something, particularly a large sum. It is the one third, one third, one third rule but in this Village that seems to be honored more in the breach than in the usage. Much to our detriment.
     Spell out your details, Lanny. Tell us exactly where your boundaries, if any, would be drawn. Tell us how you would safeguard against nefarious designs on our funds. Tell us, please, Lanny, so that we might all admire your wisdom!And by the way, this would be the third time this would be brought up and the first two times it received a resounding no!!!So think again!
     And by the way, while I am writing, I may as well mention Howie Silver's posting on Gary's blog, about the breakdown in the quality of Channel 63, particularly so after the departure for principle of the Greggs. Howie, you are so right about the quality of the Channel. However, it was not David Israel who told them to take a less than five minute chat piece about a book club off. That was ED BLACK who obviously could not have my face seen in public. Like other toddlers and those of toddler mentality, he and his buddy feel that if one cannot see someone's face, then they are gone Well, go play peek a boo with a baby - I am here and will remain so as long as the good Lord wishes it so. Tough bugs if that bothers you, but then again, perhaps you might follow through on that threat to blow me up. that the echoes of the Baker Act backfiring on you? Maybe I will consult with Olga. But I must also comment on the hit it on the nail that Howie has with his analysis of Joy Vestal. Power hungry and poor performance. Such a treat for us all!
     One more comment and this has nothing to do with the previous comments made. Just finished a book called G-d, Faith & Identity from the Ashes". This asks hard questions and has some amazing thoughts and will certainly provoke others in your own mind. While this involves children and grandchildren of survivors, it is not confined to meaning only in that context. Believe me on that. It is well worth a trip to the library or on line and read it in small, manageable pieces that allow you the time to think and reflect. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
     We are finally supposed to have a nice day, so go out and enjoy - but do not forget to think about life here in the Village.

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