Today is one of the saddest days for CV. Why? Because it is the day that democracy died here, putting aside all pretense and just letting the truth hang out there for all to see. The delegates have no more usefulness here in the Village other than to rubberstamp David Israel and his dictates.
Despite the rule of precedent, despite the fact that throughout the history of CV all petitions were sent thru to the DA, despite all this, David Israel and his attorney on a leash decided that no more was that happening. From now on whatever Israel wanted, his minions on the Exec. Bd. would rubberstamp, veto as wished and then the DA would never see the petitions, never get to entertain new ideas, never get to have any say in the running of CV - just the "privilege" to pay their fees and shut their mouths.
And why? Because this is what he has angled for all along as he gathered the reins and control of power into his hot little hands and screwed everyone else over. Only those who paid homage to him received any recognition, any position and the rest could go to Hell as far as he was concerned. He and his non elected Grand Vizier ruled the roost and a nasty roost it is indeed.
Democracy is dead in the Village. The voices of reason are muted in the Village. The order of law is perverted in CV. The delegates are declared useless and if we all wish we can close our eyes and pretend we are as Marie Antoinette playing at being a peasant girl in her Potemkin Village, but it all amounts to naught for us and all for the Lord and Master.
What we need to do is ignore this man. Turn our backs on him and to him. Perhaps we can set up a competing administration wherein we would refuse to pay our dues to UCO but pay it to another entity, draw up our own contracts as they would not have any money to pay theirs and would have to declare bankruptcy. I am just throwing out ideas and possibly someone has an idea that is better, more feasible, practical, possible and that would be fine, but the current situation cannot be allowed to stand. Certainly we need to make it clear to the Levys that their cash cow is going to stop giving milk. Perhaps that will wake them up.
As far as outside management - a possibility but a spit in the wind for again, a petition for it will never make it thru to the DA if the Exec. Bd. disapproves and uses their suddenly acquired veto power. We will need to find other ways and one way is to throw each and every officer and Executive Board member OUT of office as their terms come up. Get rid of the David suckups. Let them return to their little lives and stop ruining ours. Perhaps in their little lives they can actually find something to say other than what they say now - "Nothing to report." And get rid of David Israel, that distasteful being who has infected the entire Village.
So at the DA this Friday listen carefully to what is suggested and follow along. Think, absorb, and act. There is nothing to fear and nothing to lose. And after today, until February and nomination from floor time, you might as well just stay away from the DA and let them all diddle themselves without us as the captive audience.
All of you out there who think that all this is beneath you, that it does not affect you - well, think again. What would you do if you were told as a citizen of the USA that we were going back to the system of appointing Senators and Representatives rather than voting for them? Well, it is the same system of abuse we now have going on here and no one can stand aside and think themselves immune or not involved.
See you all on Friday at the DA. Let us all give a piece of our collective minds to the small little nasties sitting up there and in the fifth or sixth row on the left side of the middle. Perhaps even those small minds will understand that their leader has left them powerless. Perhaps they will finally understand. And perhaps they will need to wait and see how people vote with their feet as they sell out and move to other homes and CV turns into an arid wasteland, a slum of epic proportions and know that it was all their fault.
Think about all this and choose what is right. If not, as Shakespeare put it - a pox on your houses.
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