Monday, December 28, 2015


     Who owns the country these days? This is a question increasingly being asked by citizens of countries around the world, including the USA.    Is it the people, or is it the bankers or the politicians or big business or a combination? I, and many others, increasingly think that it is the politicians and big business as one refuses to create and enact laws to protect the little people and curb the businesses and the big industries do as they please - stealing money for drugs that are old and cheap yet now costing huge sums of money, unsafe autos and other items and it just continues. And this is in every country round the world. People go hungry, sick and die while others are buying yachts and ever bigger houses and apartments.
     When Dylan Thomas wrote "Rage, rage against the dying of the light," did he mean death, the physical kind, or can we now interpret it to mean death of the philosophy that puts people first, death of democracy and the rise of totalitarianism by whatever name it goes by. Terror is nothing but the imposition of one's views on another by force and usually invokes the name of G-d to do so. We spoke of "death panels" when the idea of Obamacare came out yet aren't the drug companies doing that on their own by making drugs out of reach for so many in need?
     And think not that we in the Village are immune to this for it is taking place on a larger scale. Phyllis hit the opposition where it hurts - in their stomachs - for she suggested that food not be a part of UCO and as for Lanny, do not try to make it look small by going in reverse. We figure cost by the total it amounts to and this is just one tiny bit of this. $5,000 saved, the amount budgeted, is $5,000 less that the unit owners have to fork over. As far as the volunteer dinner - it was in Kravis because there were so many who attended as there were so many volunteers. Today? Not the same as the same names and people are circulated and the amount of people is far fewer. And, this was all done with the permission of the presidents under whom she served so uh uh, Mr. Israel, hoist by your own petard - again. Foot and mouth disease indeed.
     Why have we not heard any serious talk from the Israel camp? Why is all they put forth lies and excuses and nonsense. Why are they the ones joining in the squeezing to death of democracy in the Village? Why? Because their leader is a fascist in beliefs, principles and actions and this must be made gone, gone, gone.
     And as far as you are concerned, fool, that you are, Gracie, so what if she had a wine unit .Last time I checked that was allowed and you did not pay for it so what the hell? And if her underage granddaughter was going to stay, so what? Did that mean she would become a wino, drinking all the wine, breaking the lock Phyllis had on it so that she could drink it all? Are you saying that every family that ever had a bottle of wine or liquor in the house when they had underage children are somehow evil and contributing to the harming of a minor? Are you really that stupid?
     Just thought of something. Phyllis's granddaughter was there to study for the Florida bar and you, as acting President was asked for permission. So what the hell are you going on about. Not underage for drinking for sure - which she did not do anyway, and if underage for the Village, well, she was a guest - and with your permission. Once again - half stories and foot in mouth. Must be catching with you guys. you all suffer from it.
     Another thing, when it was in Kravis it was in the Cohen pavilion and the food at the Kravis had to be from the Breakers so there was no wrongdoing on the part of Phyllis. You guys need to find something else. I know your dude just finally announced his candidacy, as if we did not know, and now you all got the green light to go nitpick, but you'll have to do better than that. Hard to find wrongdoing when the person is honest, sincere, hardworking and caring of and for others and actually talks to real humans, not just computer facsimiles of them.
     Please, try hard to grow up, grow some brains and come up with something sensible. Again, how about a debate on the proper questions, David Israel, or is it that your cowardice and lack of ability and truthfulness and inability to justify your actions that will be questioned - and so you must avoid debate?
     Karl Marx said, "The past lies like a nightmare upon the present." While I am no fan of Karl Marx and the communism that grew out of his writings in Das Kapital, he has made a point here. The nightmare actions of the past of the village, be it Kurt Weiss's actions in the Millennium agreement or David's actions lo these many a year, or the sneaky deeds and machinations of Bob Marshall and Ed Black or the ridiculous financial accounting used now in UCO, all the better to hide what is going on, and the wasteful spending of our funds by WPRF - funds which enhance THEIR
buildings, not ours, - all this from the past hurts us today and into the future. It is time to get a new  present and a new future and get rid of the past and its misdeeds and the people who brought it down upon us. Time for Phyllis.

Total in Israel for October, November, December:  26 dead, 262 wounded, too many to count in shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even  Palestinians are  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars, walking in the streets of Israel, going about their business. And the attacks continue and we wait, knowing that more are to come even as the world blames the Israelis, the victims. Were we not there before? Has the world learned anything from its past? And the count rises and our babies are being killed but does anyone hear a word about that? Dead silence.

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