Tuesday, December 29, 2015


     You have to feel sorry for them. They cannot help themselves it seems. These people have a serious case of foot in mouth disease, exemplified well by their leader, David Israel, and trudging right along with him are his acolytes, the shills that he has assigned to write comments, post them, and then look like fools in public. So let us take a look at the latest comments right from the various horses' mouths and then ask yourself if this is what or who you think should be leading UCO. Is this what we have to show outsiders who might be considering buying, or present renters who are thinking of buying, or owners who have had enough and are considering options, and to friends in other CVs who ask us just what the hell is going on here and what is the matter with the residents that they allow this to continue. Anyone have a good answer to that? I certainly do not.
     There is a poster, Mj Gorges, who has previously posted on both Gary's and David's blogs and Gary answered her promptly and with respect, no matter what view she took. Of late, she has had some other questions that would indicate a need for aid from UCO, official or not, just simply advice. This UCO has now tried to portray itself as the friend of the residents, yet here is the truth right within this exchange of comments. Lies and lies and yet more lies.
  Mj Gorges I1 day ago.
     "So help me understand why UCO is not responsive to associations. About three weeks ago I sent emails to Mr. Israel and Mr. Fabbio (our vp) asking if they could direct me to a company that does exterior tile work.......To date I have not even a "we do not know" or "please call us directly". (Remember. Israel did some work like this at Greenbriar so he could help - my addition)..... How about we are so sorry but we do not have any information that would help you???? And if the officers are really busy, why not "please contact us again after the first of the year?.....I have thought of every excuse but I really would welcome a response!"
     That was the question. here is one of David's chief shills with such a kind and loving response!

Peter Cruise 1 day ago
"Why can't you even get Fausto Fabbro's name right?! And why do you think UCO is at your beck and call?? You have done nothing but criticize on this blog. I don't blame UCO if they decided to ignore you. "
     Next we have the so warm, so sweet, so symbolic a response from David Israel. Read it and weep.

Dave Israel 1 day ago
"Hi Peter,
The amazing part of this is that all she need do is type into Google "Tile WPB" and find all the tile people that she needs. She has been naught but confrontational from day 1 on this channel."
Dave Israel

This is the current president of UCO. This is the one who sets the atmosphere and tone, the one who "leads" or is supposed to lead, and he does - in the wrong and most grievous manner. Instead of help, our resident gets ridicule and nastiness, swipes from a sharp tongue, a true response from a sufferer of foot in mouth disease. Why is she deemed confrontational? Because she asks questions and expects reasonable answers? How quaint!!!
     And, of course, we have the Miserable Yenta, a nom de plume of Ed Black, he of the nasty comments and behavior and Ed, we all know your style and if necessary, I can show you some of your older ones sent to me. Any time. I am at your service. Foot in mouth disease strikes again.
     On the other hand, we have a candidate who is known for her people skills, her humanity, caring and kindness and also for her toughness in hard times, who knows what an austerity budget truly means, who knows the true facts regarding proper financial budgeting and the importance of segregation of funds via designated accounts, transparent to any and all. On the one hand we have secrets and lies, disdain and refusals to aid the residents, the shutting of UCO to "unapproved" resident volunteers, overreaching grasping paws who wish to control all, within and without the Village. on the other hand, we have one who knows the value and importance of democracy, of fair play, of limitations due to laws and moral values.
     Who ya gonna call? Phyllis Richland. She will fix the situation. And when other candidates announce themselves, look and choose carefully, not like robots. Step up to the plate. Vote for honesty, transparency, human and humane values, for morality and knowledge, experience. If not - then you too will have kept us with a UCO that ignores us, the residents, the raison d'etre for UCO's very existence.
     And stay tuned later on today for another open letter to the non responsive guild ridden acolytes of David Israel. At least Dom responded and I give him credit for that. As for Joy, well, it speaks for itself does it not - no answer, no paper, nothing. So who will be the next addressee? Hmmmm.....Only I and The Shadow know, so stay tuned.

So sorry for the trouble with the original posting and the printing. I hope it is all clear now.

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