Thursday, January 21, 2016


      Well, when the shoe is on the other foot someone talks from the other side of his mouth.  Ya gotta laugh! For years now David Israel has ranted and raved whenever there has been an opposition to any of his plans. How dare people question him? How dare people think otherwise? He blew a gasket when the CV Messenger came out and grew amazingly, while The Rag lost circulation and its papers languish unread, unwanted, unloved - just like the editors, huh - and are thrown out by end of month. Circulation has been cut and still there are bales and bales tossed out. Quite simply, the paper is not worth reading while the Messenger has details and truth. BUT when someone from Boca's CV writes how wonderful David Israel is because we see contracts - not really - it is then wonderful, oh so wonderful, to have a paper called The Sentry which exists to challenge the Boca version of UCO. Good for them and I hope they get what they want, BUT what a difference.
     They say they are denied knowledge of contracts and we are not. Well, in a way, but  how about the roads contract? Any one see that? Oops. Okay, the security contract? Yeah, all of them, both of the "best contract in the world ever" - not. Did we see them. Yes, we literally saw them for about ten minutes while also reading past minutes and in print so tiny one had to use a highly powered magnifying glass to make out the words. No details of course for that needed to be worked out, or so they said. No details so we are always behind the eight ball when they neglect the terms of the contract. See contracts? Not really. And just ask to see the post orders. Have fun.
     And now with contracts and their limitations toyed with, suddenly many contracts are coming in under $5,000 so we do not get to see nor approve. Interesting. Oh dear, forgot the wonderful Wi Fi contract that David was about to ink for multi millions with the same company that bombed out in Boca CV. Yup, we have a great president, do we not!
     David is the perfect image of a modern - no, not major general - but a tyrant. Tyrants throw tantrums, insult people, even their coterie for if they vary one whit from the party line, uh oh for them. Tyrants do not allow debate, do not come out in public where they might be asked tough questions. Tyrants tend to hide themselves, cut themselves off from others and wow, is that the case here. Tyrants usually have a person who runs it all, speaking with their mouth and well, here we have Ed Black who controls access, who makes decisions, who pulls the strings. And not even elected, just his good old buddy. What an open administration, uh huh.
     Tyrants control and suppress the press, disallow and ban assemblies and gatherings and reach out in ever widening circles outside their sphere, to intimidate, to keep the reins of power and never mind the residents or the electorate. They turn to the last resort of tyrants - patriotism and isn't that a sad thing. They lie, they cheat, they steal the very freedom of the people. Sound familiar? And, of course, they have their shills and shields, those who take the brunt of criticism as they come out with the dumbest statements ever and thus draw the ire of thinking opponents. If only they had working and independent brains. If only.
     What is most frustrating is that so many people refuse to see the truth, though the opponents are growing and will continue to be the gadflies in the American tradition. We will be the muckrakers of our society until we achieve the goal - getting rid of this inept, corrupt and dangerous and most un American administration and its adherents - unless they see the truth and can learn to work well with others, you know, the values that we are taught from kindergarten on. Guess they all failed that.
     So,  David Israel, come out, come out wherever you are and see the truth, hear the truth and talk with those who shout the truth from the rooftops. Come out and talk on the issues, debate on the issues and not just for three minutes - pathetic that is. Stop the lies and the tantrums. Grow up or get thee gone as your lovely team tells me every day. But - too bad, for we are not going anywhere and will continue the fight for freedom, for our rights and for a better, more stable, financially sound and physically remediated Village. That frightens you? Too bad.
     Albert Einstein said that we are all born ignorant, but it takes a lot of hard work to remain stupid. Think about that.

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