Friday, February 26, 2016


      I read a lot, fiction, non fiction, biographies, historical novels and some of the books are just plain fun and others educational or thought provoking. I enjoy them all, but recently I picked up a book by an author known for some darkness in her books but wow! this one was written in the dark of deepest night. It explored what man can do to man and the revenge that can be taken as well, sometimes from one who seems small and incapable of doing that. We must beware what we do to others, for it can drive people to depths of something which we would all be better off without. And the scary part is knowing that the situation in the book is realistic and has occurred in various places within the world - including right here in America.
     During the course of reading, I came across this quote. " Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life."  Eric Hoffer. Think about it and realize the understated truth of that statement and then look around, here and in the world at large and then think again. We are all guilty of falling into periods of "passionate hatreds" at time, some deeper than others, some  longer lasting than others, but we have all been there at one time or another.
     Then I think of a man sitting in a back room, all alone, from early morning till late at night, almost seven days a week, with the odd person or two coming in, not with affection, not with love or concern, but only from selfish causes and reasons - how to maintain power, position - and think how sad this is. The lonely man turns inward and then uses tools at his skill levels to organize what he feels is a battle for his life's last chance at meaning. He has his shills post nasty stuff on his blog site and why? Perhaps he cannot compose much himself. Perhaps he needs to think and persuade others that lookee here, others agree with me. Perhaps he thinks that if he inflates the numbers, his target(s) will be frightened away? I really do not know and could care less, but, a great big but - what is with the game of starting a nasty conversation, engaging in it and then taking away the postings other than an innocent seeming one and a comment by an opponent that seems to respond to nothing. Think again of the truth of the statement above.
    Quite recently, like yesterday, there was a conversation on David's blog between a liar, a gasbag, a nitwit and a chickie who does not know me from a hole in the wall. This conversation discussed - oh these deep thinkers - what made me tick and what were my motivations and how I have descended into a "frenetic" diatribe and plan for revenge. Oooohhhhh..... Well, after you all stop laughing, just think about it and think about the quote above. The cherry on top is that today, in the wee hours of the morning or late into the night, David, having nothing better to do, wiped out much of the conversation, continuing on in his theory of erasing history, kinda like the little one who plays peek-a-boo and when he covers his eyes and does not see someone, that person is not there. Well, guess again, David, the comments were there and are still there in the clouds that you so love and saved so nicely by me in mine.
     When can we expect you to grow up and discuss the issues? Yes, there is great emotion in people when they speak of you and it ain't exactly a positive and soul warming feeling either. Two days ago there were over 300 people gathered to hear candidates, to air their concerns and where were you and yours? Hiding away, afraid to come out and engage in real life talk. There was no yelling, even when two people disagreed and yes, your little buddy on the net, there were quite a large number of delegates and though I know it is hard for you to count without taking off your socks, try again and then go find other fingers and toes to use. But the point is - you guys never deal with the issues and use tried and true techniques to maintain power even as the Village rebels. All the never appearing side seems to be capable of doing is to shout and scream and demean and make weird statements. If you really wish to go head to head using words in a nasty manner - you will lose that battle and only get yourself all het up. How much nicer it would be if you would only stick your nose out of your cave and engage  - engage with the world, with people, go to shows, take a walk, get off that damned computer and breath fresh air, air out your head. Read a book, sing a song, hear some great classical music - live!!!
     And again, see, we know that things take time and no matter who wins here - we win - for the ills have been aired and the time is a comin"..... And either side has many issues and problems to deal with even in victory for this is a troubled Village in many ways. Hey, David, want to play tennis? Oh, sorry, forgot, still thinking about the lousy courts that has taken you six plus years to think about and still nothing doing. Talk of losing buyers..... But you need to know that people working together, putting aside differences, ironing out issues and opinions, can meld together and make for a better and stronger Village and oh, by the way, David, what is with that canal over by Sheffield Q? Good Lord, but it is disgusting and stagnant and an oh so lovely green with its thick coating of slime and green goo. But aha, you're working on that, right? Not putrid enough for you? Need some more years to age it properly? There are real life issues here in the Village and you simply cannot wrap your head around it.
     Time to take a break. It will be good for you - and for us!

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