Sunday, February 28, 2016


      "What the Internet and its cult of anonymity do is to provide a blanket sort of immunity for anybody who wants to say anything about somebody else, and it would be difficult in this sense to think of a more morally deformed exploitation of the concept of free speech."
     Additionally, ""the blurring of the line between the 'synthetic world' - the online life - and the real world" is often difficult to discern.
     These two quotes are majorly frightening. I have long felt that at times the disadvantages of the Net overwhelm its advantages and if we are to progress as human beings then we must overcome that. When one becomes so wrapped up in the Ethernet that one begins to forget the niceties of life, the realities of life and falls into a false world where there are no brakes on speech and one feels empowered by anonymity to say things, to threaten things, to curse and overwhelm one that has been deemed an enemy, that is a danger point.     
     Right now there is a poor woman named Cheri Jacobus who is undergoing a nasty campaign by Trump lovers merely because she does not agree with them. Tweets and threats, hashtags that demean, Facebook postings - it is not only disgusting but frightening. We have already had kids committing suicide due to cyberbullying and believe it or not - the adults are worse than the kids. Not very good role models are we?
     Last night in the theater, a lovely show highlighting the songs of Carol King and James Taylor, there was a particularly telling set of phrase, perfect for today, never mind the time they were written in. A "soul was in the lost and found" and to paraphrase,  - if you let them, people will use you, abuse you, desert you. Huh!! Reading my mind, were they?
     Think what is going on here in the Village and indeed even in the national elections. There is such abuse, such threats, particularly at this point from David towards me as he seems to have settled on me as the point of focus. Nuts, but there it is. And then he uses the magic eraser after posting statements that threaten me and makes as if they were never there but ahhh, the magic of clouds! Then of course we have the threats of "Bakerizing" wherein authorities are called to examine one of whom it is claimed is dangerous to self and society and basically, off one's rocker. How lovely! And how typical of the David Israel camp that so relies on siccing governmental entities on people. How cowardly and how sad that they do not know how to interact with people in a realistic and civilized manner, how to be grown up.
     Why is this? Why cannot these people come out of the woodwork, retake their souls from the lost and found, and revitalize them. Why cannot these people learn the value of social interaction and not the kind that epitomizes the song's words of desert and abuse, though we all know that is what happens constantly in the UCO of David Israel. The wheels of the bus do not only go round and round, but they leave the imprints of the destruction of those thrown under the bus by David Israel in his paranoid fantasies of all coming to get him.
     Yesterday the paper used the phrase playground behavior to describe what is going on particularly within the Republican party during the primaries. The paper is correct. Are we not ashamed to present these people as our public face, as the possible future president of the USA, G-d help us! Are we not ashamed that anger has been allowed to build for so long, feelings of despair not been addressed, dreams having been shattered for so long that we cannot hear ourselves any longer and nor do we appear to wish to do so. So the nasties on one side drag down the other side as they respond and it is not pretty but a warning to all who believe in starting a war of words - be careful of your choice of enemy, for often they are far smarter and more capable than you. And then you lose and come out looking truly bad. Warning to those who need it, if only they will heed it. It is far worthier and mature to allow a true and full campaign based on the issues, debates that highlight adults and adult thinking, thinking that shows concern and long hours and energy going into the responses and platform statements. How sad it is that this campaign, especially amongst the Republicans does not portray that and certainly all we have heard here in the Village from one side is the past - emails and insurance , both of which are trite already as one had its time  coming and insurance rates were being worked on without David Israel and now they are going to go back up so can we put the blame on you for that since you claimed credit where no credit was due? We hear no airtight plans about fixing our roads which are becoming more and more dangerous to even walk on and remember folks, our roads are our sidewalks in most of the area of the Village. Old folks and sand and pebbles do not a good match make! We hear, see and smell the nasty waters of the Village and hear rumors of things being done - but where, oh where, are the results and thinking out of the box as to how to repair them? Nowhere that I can tell. All we hear is Wi Fi and now Broadband, shouts that should be quiet now while the whole industry undergoes a shaking out and good solutions are found, not right now while everyday and even every hour at times seems to be presenting itself with new ideas and plans. We have Wi Fi, we have Broadband, we have it all with multiple devices - yes, if you wish and no if you don't so why not put this issue aside.
     We hear talk of value of the units and why we need Wi Fi but why do we not hear of the younger ones coming in now who wish to play tennis and all sorts of sports, join leagues and cannot. Why? Because the courts are decrepit and have been left alone for years with patches here and there and no undertaking of the real causes and the real cures. Now these people will not buy or will move out as they despair and even as they present a whole presentation to the committee and get the same stupid and worthless - 'we are looking into it" response.
    Why do we play at an administration that works like this - love me, obey me and you will get rewarded. Do not - and you will not be served. So needy associations, desperate for advice, associations that are trying to hold it all together - get tossed out. Money from motel makers - ah, that is fine and shhh about it - until the malcontents, yes, those who wish to improve our Village, our home, spoke up and exposed it. Why is it that repairs that are necessary are not done, imperiling our residents because these repairs are near or beside those who do not like David Israel and his policies. The bench by me, actually by Andover, has been dangerous for bus riders for a long time , years in fact, and no one did anything because it was near Wellington E - my home. Finally, the almost CAM came to take a look and then said we need bids! Really?
When there is a company who has been going around pouring tar all over the place so what is a little bit more or is this just another excuse to defer and delay and meanwhile our elderly busriders have to stand because to try to sit is to imperil one's body and soul!
     Finally, a fun point - on Friday there was a cavalcade of cars reminding people to vote for Phyllis. It went around the UCO building and the faces of David et al was worth millions. You see, take down the signs, call in the government, pull shticks with the delegates, it all does not matter for WE ARE HERE and are not going anywhere. Try to deal with that. Try to come back to the real world and out of that computer cloud of yours. Try to connect with real people, with real life. Smile, laugh, have joy in your life - all that comes from people, not machines. Remember Barbara Streisand - "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." Try to be lucky - you might like it. It will certainly make you a better person. It will certainly improve your morals.

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