Friday, February 19, 2016


    Character is defined as "the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual". It is what makes the person. It is the virtual backbone of a person's soul. It is where and how we find out what makes a person tick and what is his/her connection to humanity and humanness. Some simple tells of a person's character, or lack of a positive one, is the person's stress on certain behaviors. Does the person tell the truth or is there a complex liar in the mix? Does the person value positive aspects of social connections or is there a humanity piece missing, a lack of care and concern for others. How would this person answer the Biblical question - "Am I my brother's keeper?"
     It is the conglomerate of traits which make or do not make a person a Good person. Aristotle defined character as êthikai aretai —  usually translated as moral virtue or moral excellence. There are moral standards to be upheld, to be striven towards and for, and the progress towards achievement of a higher moral standard is to be admired and sought for.
     "You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
Henry David Thoreau

     The hammer and forge of character building are missing in the president of UCO at the moment. There is no tilt towards the truth; instead there is a constant tendency to lie, to avoid the truth. One can see that tendency exercised in real life in Trudeau's avoidance of the question as to why he wishes to support Hamas with the donation of funds to UNRWA which are funneled to that terrorist organization. There was no answer there and there was no answer from Joy Vestal either when questioned about the poor old Rag. There was no answer from David Israel when asked about current achievements, only what has been done seven years ago. The rest of the time there were lies, underhanded attacks, a definite lack of empathy for those who have suffered in a personal life. And why is that? Because this man HAS no personal life other than a bizarre relationship with his computers, his obsession with them, and his twisted relationship with underlings at UCO.
    He claims to have accomplished much in his tenure so let us check out the truth of that.
     He brought in email seven years ago, an idea whose time had come and would have been brought in anyway and there is a substantial group of people who maintain that Ken Graff brought it in. Next.
     He managed to misspend our money to the tune of millions of dollars, inducing near bankruptcy, $11,000 buffer from that precarious state.
     He has managed, with the help of Ed Black and Bob Marshall, to completely ruin the roads and perimeter walkways of the Village and the roads today make a good environment for slipping and falling what with the sand and pebbles components of the roads separating and amassing.
     He has managed to oversee the complete deterioration of our waterways, trumpeting the introduction of County water - with all its chemicals and overabundance of harmful minerals and so we now have, instead of waters that reflect the blue of the sky, we now have a putrid greenish brown color, algae floating and accumulating and where are our turtles?
     We now have a CAM that is not a CAM and while he seems to actually be working, why is he not in the position of having taken the test already. We are required to have a licensed CAM at contract negotiations, and well, that has been observed in the breach!
     We have observed a constant and steady move from democracy to repression and dictatorship, with paranoid behavior and cursing that has moved from private into the open at meetings and assemblies.
     We have seen a development of real good tantrums, worthy of any superior two year old.
     We have seen personal attacks on his opponents, crucifying an opponent for resigning when her son died, demeaning her achievements for the humanity of the Village and twisting words that never were said! She had the dignity and strength of character to ignore his nasty jabs and lies.
     Let us take a current example of that. Phyllis is reported by them to have said that the ends justify the means. Well, listen to the tape - never said, but the big Lie is in place, and accepted and a usual tactic of David Israel. And why here? Because Phyllis said she accepted the support of anyone and why is that? Simple - because anyone who wants this man and his underlings gone is a good supporter at present. After the election there will be inclusiveness and attempts and successes at bringing the Village back together again. With adult behavior, with decency and clear thinking, with a team that will hear ALL viewpoints without screams and shouts and with pure evaluation and acceptance of the idea that there are other viewpoints and ideas worthy of being heard and even implemented - the best Village ever will be the result.
     Aha! Another accomplishment. He has overturned term limits in a most damaging effect on the Village and did it in a typically sneaky manner, disregarding the viewpoints and votes of the majority during the season. And continues that kind of behavior with his ignoring the definite turndown of Village wide Wi Fi, forced upon people, and continues to negotiate in secret with firms who do this. Why? When there are new changes in this field, six a day, why does he want to rush into something that is outmoded before we ink the contract!! Why? Interesting road for investigation, is it not?
     So what would Phyllis do? I  am tired of listing that man's characterless "achievements", so.... Phyllis would bring in the proper tools - attorneys who know contracts, attorneys who can help us prepare for post Millennium, who can help advise us and associations and give them the help they are crying for. She will work to turn out the disaster that is Donald Kelly and his ilk that want to ruin our Village and turn it into a shabby third world motel rather than the beautiful home that it should and could be and once was. She will rein in the spending of WPRF and work to amass the funds we need to fix the roads. The unpaved but well maintained dirt roads of the Acreage are not here in the Village, so let us maintain what we do have and need.
     New projects will be presented to the electorate and Phyllis will value their opinions, work towards the one owner one unit voting rather than the antiquated and unfair delegate system we now have. There will be an outreach from UCO towards the associations and an eager desire to help and aid, and turning away from the downward from the top either ignoring of the associations or the attempt to force them into something. The principle of inclusion will be the reigning one and we will use all the brainpower of the Village, not of the chosen, poorly chosen, few. Committees will be opened to people, to volunteers, to variety. Those who need help will get it and those who desire to harm our Village will be dealt with in an efficient and legal manner. And of course, our poor newspaper will be resurrected and anyone wishing to run a paper of their own while not receiving Village funding, will be welcomed. The Clubhouse, the pools, will be opened for  all who belong to the Village and fairness will reign. Of course there will be no more double dipping of two and three positions in UCO being held by the same person and conflict of interests will not be an accepted policy of UCO!
     No more "leader" who lies. No more one who peers into the windows of his neighbor. No more tantrums. No more secrecy and exclusion. No more repression and fascistic principles. Yes, towards looking towards the future in an organized and thoughtful manner. Yes, to the needs of the Villagers and not for the needs of one. Yes to careful handling of our funds. Pinch a penny enough times and there are dollars. Pinch the dollars and you have hundreds. Pinch the hundreds and you have thousands and on it goes. Spending? YES but not wasteful and selfish spending. Luxuries after the needs are met and not before.
     "Nothing of character is really permanent but virtue and personal worth."Daniel Webster
     Think on that and think about what we have here. Think again and then vote. Tell your delegates to vote for the future and not the past. To vote for the one with true character, moral values and ethics. Simple.

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