Last night (Thursday) Phyllis and I attended the show at the Club House. It was great! It was a sellout!. However, what was even more rewarding and encouraging was the fact that while Phyllis and I were schmoozing with our friends, at least 15 residents came over to Phyllis and hugged her and thanked her for all she had done for them, told her they supported her in her campaign and some even had tears in their eyes.
In Lanny Howe’s latest attempt to shore up David’s character qualities, he took offense by the moniker given to him by those who he refers to as “Malcontents” (I SUGGEST THAT LANNY LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF MALCONTENT. THIS TERM WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BE USED AS A PEJORATIVE. A MALCONTENT IS A a person who is dissatisfied and rebellious. LIKE GEORGE WASHINGTON, SAM ADAMS, THOMAS JEFFERSON AND MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.) Now lets define Dictator. a person who has absolute rule and supports undemocratic rule. (Examples are: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro) This is rhetorical, but why do most Village residents think that Dave is a Dictator? He has conspired with WPRF to end any political campaigning at the pools and clubhouse. (suppression of freedom of speech and assembly) He has called Code Enforcement to remove a campaign banner from the synagogue fence on Haverhill Rd. and then again when the banner was displayed on Olga’s association wall. When support Phyllis Richland signs began to be placed on the fence surrounding the Golf Course (which is not UCO property) he ordered one of the Glow cleaning crew to take the signs down. At least a dozen signs have been ripped off. (Suppression of press and speech). Glow is paid by WPRF. So they know what is going on.
No articles are allowed to be accepted and published by the UCO Reporter under the leadership of Joy Vestal that even attempts to criticize Lord David. (Control of the press, first thing a “dictator” does when they gain power) Channel 63 which is now under control of Lord David and his minions, seem to have a problem keeping to the schedule for the programming of the candidates presentations. Incompetence or by design. (dictators control all modes of communication – keep the people in the dark)
Dictators believe in the “Big Lie” principle. Tell a lie over and over again until the people begin to believe it. For example: Phyllis Richland left the office early and thus did not fulfill her UCO obligations. Crap and Lord David knows it. But when a leader abuses his position to characterize his opponent in a negative way, this is abuse of power. Hence, a form of Dictatorship. How many hard working and dedicated people has Lord David fired because they did something that rubbed him the wrong way. (Dictators love conformity to the will of the “leader.” It's good to trust others but, not to do so is much better. Benito Mussolini Perhaps this explains why Lord David fires so many volunteers?
Well Lanny, based on the definition and examples I have provided for you, which side would most freedom loving Century Villagers support.
One other thing I would like to point out. Lanny tells us that what has happened to us here in Century Village kind of made us uncomfortable and as he suggests somewhat scorched by it all. Ask all the military veterans that have sacrificed so much if they think what Century Village is turning into is humorous.
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