Sunday, February 21, 2016


     For a number of weeks I have wanted to write about the wave of anti Semitism , the reek of its evil permeating the very air round the globe, but each time I wished to write of that, the homegrown nausea of David Israel demanded attention. The silent shrieks of "mine, mine", the sounds of a tormented toddler's mind, echoing the insanity of Gollum chasing after his ring, demanded attention.
     The pathetic lies that are told, that are clung to, echo the other sickness, that of anti Semitism, so I decided that I can do both in one posting. Both movements, anti Semitism and the support David group are composed of people who sense their inferiority, who need to cling to a leader who will tell them how and what to think, when to do something and what to say. They will have no responsibility for what happens. A simple lie, they start with, yes, but one that wreaks havoc on and in the life of others and the lies grow in size and consequence.
     The lies. The lies. One says that Jews control the media, the papers, the movies, the television medium and anything else they can think of.  Stars who owe their careers to Jewish agents or audiences or promoters jump on the bandwagon of BDS as they are pressured to boycott Israel. Rocks are thrown at stores - here and in Europe. Jewish stores are targeted and the echoes of Nazi Germany and other Fascist countries are heard once more. A restaurant in Ohio is targeted by a man with a machete who kills people because he thinks the owner is an Israeli Jew. Correct on one count - he was an Israeli - but a Christian and proud of his Israeli roots. And notice how the fact that the terrorist was slain by the police is not criticized - as it should not be - but when an Israeli policeman or soldier on guard duty kills a stabber or bomber or shooter, it is claimed to be "excessive". Wrong, wrong, wrong! A terrorist is a terrorist and they deserve what they get.
     Israelis, Jewish Israelis, are told by "partners in peace" that they do not belong in the area, that they need to return to whence they came, and images of Jews of Polish origin being thrown into no man's land between Poland and Germany rise up in one's mind. The French excuse that they deported only non French born Jews as if that would excuse the enthusiasm they evidenced as they committed war crimes now echoes again in the attacks on Jews in France.
    Chills run down my spine when I hear Putin tell Jews to "come home" to Mother Russia. Uh huh, the same Russia of the pogroms, the Pale of Settlement, the real life Anatevkas, the Russia of the principle of 1/3 thru conversion, 1/3 thru emigration, and 1/3 thru extinction. Even here in the USA Jews are being attacked and many are beginning to follow the growing European trend of tucking in that Jewish star necklace, removing the kippah, but nothing works for hatred is all encompassing and it twists the lives of those who suffer from it as well as the lives of those who practice it.
     That same hatred can be seen in the waves and words that emanate from the David Israel camp.  There is evident religious nastiness on their part, expressed over and over again in their various postings, which David is now making sure to remove from his blog, as he is doing to all the statements his shills make - but remember, oh man of the waves, these statements are still there and many are saved within our clouds. The same belief in lies permeates their campaign, following the fascist principle of the Big Lie. The same effort you and yours make to assign a seemingly negative or pejorative name to your opposition smacks nastily of the tactics of Fascists. If the shoe fits.....
     The media is repressed and dominated by one party. Take a look at the most recent paper issued. The President's Report, meant to be a neutral reporting of the state of the Village or a discourse on a topic of importance to the residents, has now become, once again, a political column, a propaganda column fixated on campaigning for the incumbent and nowhere within the paper, not even amongst the toilets and tires is there a presentation of a matching column from the other candidate for the office.
     That pompous bag of hot air, Lanny Howe, writes of Cerabino's article - curious how it managed to get into the paper so quickly! He posted it on David's blog as well and it was on there and in my own blog that I responded to his lies but there they are again. He dares to misquote me, saying I said or used the term "disrespectful" - so show me, big boy. But in any case, no column from me presenting another viewpoint and no, Irv Rikon's column is not the answer either. Bought souls are bought souls no matter how one dresses it up. By the way, Irv, I have often compared David Israel to Putin so you have nothing new to contribute here. But at least I am in good company, that of Phyllis Richland, who is constantly being misquoted as saying things and statements that never were. Lies, lies and more lies and the sad thing is that there are simple people out there who hear them, who read them, and then believe them for after all, how could our "leader" lie so!?
     Never before in my life have I been so afraid for the future. I worry terribly about the future world of my kids and grandchildren. I worry for their safety. I worry if they will undergo the unthinkable. I wonder if the world will ever change and hate and hatred be a thing of the past. I wonder why there are creatures out there who think and believe that evil is the way to go, that violence is the way of life and lies are valued over truth. Anyone who knows me knows that one of my biggest pet peeves in life is the lie and the liars so this is a particularly bad and evil thing in my mind.While there has been no violence here, those same principles of Fascism are up front and center right here in our Village. And I worry for the future of the Village and my Act III and that of my friends.
     The leader? David Israel. He encourages those who lie, who use violence in their words, who break the law, who repress free speech, who will obey his orders and tear down signs, who will harass opponents of his way of thinking, those who oppose his constant quest for power. He has co-opted the paper and then writes of how he has been hands off from inception and thinks that people do not know the truth. He is incompetent as a manager, lost millions of dollars, knows not how to budget, but believes that he can hide that truth and in truth knows that the only reason that he remains in office is because of our antiquated delegate system of voting, leaving the residents out in the cold. 300+ delegates versus 14,000+ residents - not a good ratio, but if one controls the list of these delegates and does not allow them to be contacted by anyone other than Himself, well, it is clear is it not?
     One cannot separate evil into gradations and categories. One is evil, period, and when this is so, his evil aids and abets the evil of others in the world. Hence, there is no difference in principle between a dictator of a country in Europe or Asia or Africa or South America or Central America or a dictator of a small township in Florida for one is limited only by the space one chooses wherein one's evil can be practiced.
     Evil people are selfish people, wanting only what is for them, to maintain the reins of power, to surround themselves with a coterie of suck-ups, of yes men and women, or intimidated people, of people who are thankful for the crumb of power they are given, for the chance to be in the shadow of the Big Man. Well, it must be pointed out in the same manner that the Emperor's nudity was pointed out, that in reality, this Big Man is a Little Man, a pathetic, evil, hanging on by his toenails loser of the worst type, a man who spreads evil and dissension with his every breath, the raison d'etre of his existence.
     Well, take comfort in the fact that even if the system is against us, there has never been a dictator who has remained in power forever. Either there has been a coup, violent or otherwise, an assassination, or Nature takes its course and the dictator becomes enfeebled or dies. After that, judgement for him and for those who supported him.
    We talk of legacy. We talk of progress. But  as I look at pictures of classes, of clubs, of families from the late 1920's and early 30's, as I look at these people living their lives, and knowing what was coming, I think how quickly the world can turn over and why it is so important that we fight against evil, no matter how hard, or personally bruising it becomes. One cannot stand aside and say ,"It is not my battle." It is. There is no neutrality here, for if one is neutral in the face of evil then one is really allowing it to flourish.
     So fight against the anti Semitism, fight against racism in whatever manifestation it takes, fight against wrong, for if not - there we are! Again! And fight against its presence here in the Village. The consequences are clear. The principles of right and wrong are clear. The choice is clear as well.

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