Monday, February 22, 2016


     Before I begin to delve into today's post, let me give a tad of a warning and heads up to some people. It has come to me from a credible source, that there is a witness to the vandalism of the Richland for President signs. These are the signs that are attacked by people under illegal orders, such as the Glow workers who are paid by WPRF and whom David has appropriated illegally to commit his dastardly deeds (can't you just see him twirling his mustache and sneering in the typical baddie pose?) The rest are taken down by obsessed beings who have at these signs, even on private property not even within the Village property lines, who go at these signs with pliers, wire cutters, hammers, wood sticks and rams and what have you. Besides being illegal, this is quite sick and some people need serious head exams. In any case, these attacks and acts are illegal and this source says the witness is just about ready to inform authorities so - stop while you can, get normal and behave! 
     From the time man first uttered a sound syllable to the present, words have played enormous roles in our history, rousing people or frightening them, amusing them or comforting them, demonstrating the elegance of a turn of phrase or the clumsiness and ugliness of the words of hate. People have used words to raise themselves up and to demean themselves and others.
     Fascists, in whatever guise they use at the moment, are known to use words in harmful manners and with evil intent. They use words to frighten, to intimidate and to separate, for to separate is to weaken opponents and to dehumanize them. Inevitably, the tables are turned on them and their words come back to haunt them.
     The Communist Chinese are desperate to hang on to Hong Kong when the agreement to allow it the current degree of independence expires. Those who wish to remain independent and capitalist, who wish no ruler over them, are aware and are fighting for themselves, knowing the importance of getting in there early and getting on with it - unlike our current UCO here who refuse to see the writing on the wall and start post Millennium preparation! In any case, the Communists, who are fascists by another name, kind of like a brother by another mother, have taken to a tried and true technique of yore and assigned these opponents a name meant to be demeaning, is derivative in any case, and does not seem to be doing the job. They are called Radical Separatists in a tone of scorn, but look what has happened. These young kids and adults have adopted the name and said Radical? Yes! Separatists? Yes! Why not and so their own words of the Communists (Fascists) have come back to bite the accusers.
     Malcontents? YES! Discontented with the status quo, with the incompetence, with the selfishness, with the lack of any principles of management - and oh, here is a new one from yesterday's management interviews. People need to be trusted and respected, nourished so that the best is forthcoming. Hmmm. Just like here - NOT! In any case, yes, we are the malcontents in a proud American tradition, like the union leaders who stood up to the beatings of the capitalists and nasty owners, to Margaret Sanger who stood up for women, to Abraham Lincoln who did not like the situation and the institution of slavery and saw a way out, to George Washington and Thomas Paine and the Adams brothers, to Benjamin Franklin- all these were malcontents and thank G-d for that.
     What we need here is the realization of the idea of community, with shared values, with all of us realizing that we are part of something greater than ourselves or a few people, greater than the selfish needs of some. In the interest of full disclosure, this is a paraphrasing of the words of Fred Lawrence talking of his years as president of Brandeis University and his dealings with BDS on campus there. We do not have that feeling here any longer. It is very sad, but then it is more than that.
     When David Israel tells you to vote for the same old same old because   "They have a strong record of fiduciary trust and financial responsibility."  Uh-oh!
     When he does that, one chokes on those very words. The same Ed Black who colluded with Bob Marshall and David Israel to scrape the bottom of our financial barrel of our funds to finance the incompetent and harmful contract of the roads? 
     The same people who illegally moved funds to the tune of $8o,ooo in this matter when the Treasurer was away? The same people who allowed our Village to deteriorate into a motel zero, and took donations and political power from the man who did this - Donald Kelly - and all others who followed in his path.
     These are the people who have run down the former proud Reporter, who have turned it into a financial drag on us until they turned it into a propaganda broadsheet and filled the rest with ads and more ads. The advertisers should only know how many of these papers are printed, never delivered and of those delivered, how many go into the trash unread - even unbundled! But yes, in the interests of being green - they do make good stuffing and wrapping for items to be shipped so there is a god use of materials and recycling.
     To vote for most of David Israel's choices is to vote to maintain the very weak and shaky status quo, the crooked and incompetent status quo, the status quo where contracts and agreements are done in secret, against DA votes and opinions, with improper supervision, where by laws are rewritten and not publicized while they wait for the moment to shove them down our throats as they did and do with contracts. This administration needs to be removed from office.
     We must vote in Phyllis Richland and vote for those who will work well with her and yes, that might include the delegates to the Executive Board but to choose from amongst those is ridiculous - they are all automatically in, whether they receive one or 300 votes! What cannot be allowed is to vote for any of the officers named on his slate. Vote for their opponents and choose from a group of four VPs who will serve the Village and not themselves.
     We must vote in the person who wishes to reintroduce an element of civility here, the candidate who refused at the Forum to sink to the low level of David Israel and his henchmen in their use of nasty tones and insinuations and personal attacks. When such a  response was called for in return, Phyllis simply said she was done with the matter. This is one who is looking for a new day, a new path and new UCO, one of inclusion, of proper behavior, of honesty, of acceptance of others, of altruism rather than selfishness.
     We must change or the Village will die. That is the truth!
     No more Motel Zero. No more transients. No more lies and more lies. No more violence and vandalism. No more repression. Up with democracy!!!! No more secrets from the residents. Proper planning and process and procedure. Proper financial planning. Programs that will enhance our home rather than harm it. A WPRF that is under control. And all the rest that needs to be done.
     Bring us into the future in a good and honest way, on the right path. Beat down the fascists and remind us all that we live in America, with an open Clubhouse and grounds, where opinions are welcomed and evaluated and incorporated as they come in and are even solicited. Let us return to and go forth with that Golden Age as our goal.


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