Wednesday, March 2, 2016


        The papers and the airwaves are filled with election news. Who won which state? Who gets how many delegates? What are the chances of anyone pulling off a plan to get rid of Trump? What about the second spot on the ticket? But at times it seems as if the reporters and editors are channeling our election right here in CVWPB. Just read this sentence taken from the NY Times editorial page.
      "... a shady, bombastic liar is hardening the image of their party as a symbol of intolerance and division."
     Wow!!! Are they talking about Trump or are they talking about David Israel? What else to call one who lies when his hand is right there in the cookie jar and the crumbs are on his face and shirt? Denial, denial, be it from him or from his shill, Lanny Howe, the truth is the truth. David Israel sicced the government on a synagogue because he could not tolerate a poster for his opponent. He needed to believe he could control all that he saw and sees, even outside the perimeter of the Village. So call he did, and Code Enforcement, which was fine with the synagogue and its name sign which had stood there for almost two decades had to respond, but did so graciously and eventually turned off the communication via this issue and other posters because to put it simply, David Israel was becoming a whining nudge!, a broken record, a bombastic liar, actually.
     He denies using an alias and yet there it is. His shill tries to defend it by saying that it was a typo and uh huh, here comes the bridge and tunnel sale if one believes that. "Peyton Israel" - a first name and a last name and why the name Peyton? Because this man is pathetic and cannot do his whining in a competent manner just as he cannot do anything competently or truthfully. So he maligns a good man by using his name.
     He whines about the bagels and lox rally held for ALL candidates, though the cowardly lion demanded that none of his slate show up. Good for those who did!! Over 300 people were there to hear the candidates, to ask questions and please note that there were no voices raised, no demeaning statements made to questioners of answers and there were issues on which people had serious questions and the questioner and respondent had differing outlooks - but all behaved in a mature and civilized manner.
     David Israel was actually jealous of this People's Forum as the official one stunk beyond words. 83 people bothered to come and most were Phyllis advocates. He was jealous because he did not think of it - as he had done before with a meal of his own. He was jealous because Phyllis sent out beautiful postcards and he called the same printer to do one for him - but too late! Tough bugs! He was jealous because posters of Phyllis sprang up all over - here, by Publix, on the golf course and he could not deal with it so he sent out his minions to remove, break and otherwise destroy these posters, thus trespassing on private property and vandalizing. He was jealous because he had no posters and no one to make them and spread them around. He used OUR money as he ordered a WPRF employee to remove the signs. The man is indeed a bombastic liar whose venom and disease spread outward from his lair in the back of UCO.
     I laugh at the postings on his blog plumping for his candidates. Joy Vestal has definitely done such a job! - NOT!!! She has destroyed the paper, made it into a hack sheet, used yellow journalism, broken her own statements of policy and in every which way has violated all tenets of journalism and its ethics. As far as Channel 63 - she did not run it into an oasis of shows, etc. She and Ed Black and David Israel were the ones who turned it into a desert of a rolling bulletin board, rife with boredom and lies. So much for her - and time to go.
     Bobbi Levin is under the thumb of Joy Vestal for whom she works at the paper. Maybe she writes - but where is the truth? Where are the hard hitting and honest articles re the awful fascistic situation here in the Village? Nowhere - because her lords and master will not allow that. As for Bob Marshall, oh for sure he was there at the hurricanes - signing deals to move money around, to give Levy a huge sum of money out of our pockets as he signed agreements that should never have been, delayed the rehabilitation of the Clubhouse and when we finally started on it was not done right by WPRF who was using OUR money to fix their property and that is why we are having constant AC problems at the Clubhouse.
     The list can go on and on. The lies can go on and on and will go on and on unless the delegates step to the plate and toss these people out on their rear - unless they can work with honest and caring people. Cornish - you have to make up your mind. You tell one person you want to get rid of David Israel and hope for certain wins and then you write how he needs to be elected. Perhaps David Israel used harsh terms about you to your husband who stood there and did nothing - but you have sold your soul and your ethics and your honesty and are totally disappointing in your behavior and lack of ethics and lack of care for the Village and by the way - 9 months in the Village  - how many months have you been away already?
     Folks, the Times said it all, be it inferred or stated! The shoe fits right here as well as on Trump's foot. A liar, an incompetent, an untrustworthy and shady individual and a definite disaster for our Village, an ongoing one who needs to go, who needs to take his nastiness elsewhere, who needs to be unmasked as the incompetent, money wasting person who would not know honest government if it rose up and slapped him in the face.
     TIME TO VOTE!!!!

Four choices for VP listed in order as I picked their names out of a hat. Choose two but choose wisely for the strongest amongst them, for two who have a chance and not just for a friend. Hard, but the wise thing to do:
     Olga Wolkenstein          John Gragg
     Marcia Ziccardy            John Gluszak (sorry if misspelled)

Treasurer: Ed Grossman
The man is a CPA, knows his money and knows how to take care of our money.
  Corresponding Secretary: Marilyn Pomerantz
     - experienced, caring, hard working

   Recording Secretary: Eileen Pearlman and she takes great notes!

 Executive Board - are all in but to take a page from David - show that we want new blood, honest thinking and independent minds, not more David robotons!
     Jean Komis                  Stewart Richland
    Jack Adams                   Jerry Karpf
                                           Carlos Nunez

Please note that the choices are mine alone and do not constitute any official slate.

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