Thursday, March 3, 2016


     Tomorrow is election day here at CV. Delegates must step to the plate and do their job - vote for the best candidate for the Village. New machines and hopefully no computer chicanery on the part of you know who. The zombie delegates from dead associations? Well, as long as the delegate list is in the hands of only one person - and we know who that is - there is not much we can do other than go to court and sue. It is a thought but hopefully, we will triumph and in any case, we are here and not going anywhere. Gadflies will always be here, there and everywhere - that is the nature of their role in society - to keep it on the straight and narrow.
     But let us see what the choices are here. On one side we have a stale, doing wrong, incompetent "team" known for financial chicanery and manipulation, of violations of the spirit of the law as in pushing thru a $5,000 limit for public acknowledgement of a spending cost and then getting so much in under that benchmark with
1.contracts being split into tiny segments that are under $5,000.
2.We have contracts that are crammed down our throats in teeny tiny print that have to be read in a maximum of ten minutes even as discussion of other items is going on. i.e. TWO security contracts - "best ever" - remember that?
3. Mish mash accounting wherein all funds are rolled into one - all the better to move around secretly, my dear.
4. Roads that are devolving and are being fixed piecemeal at the cost of thousands upon thousands of dollars and still, we have the next $15 million dollar repaving right there ahead of us so it is not "where's the beef?" but where's the money?
5. The incumbent Treasurer admits in public that we will pay for not having the proper and correct budget now but that is what his master wants - so vote for the poor and inaccurate and costly budget.
6. The paper of the Village, promising to fulfill its responsibility of presenting news of import to the Village and its residents, purporting to present ALL sides of an issue, has turned into a propaganda sheet for David and his crew and a pennysaver category piece of garbage with wastes of stories such as one of Lanny's perambulations around the states somewhere and who gives a hoot as to where he goes! I have ideas as to his future trips and the first place is to writing school and please, the poems are even worse than the gasbag articles! Joy Vestal and Myron Silverman must go - ASAP!!!
7. We must install a president and team that care for the residents and their needs and not for their own above all. Their pet projects are not appropriate for the Village yet they are constantly being pushed as in Wi Fi and Broadband.
8.What about the tennis courts?
What about the water?
What about the roads?
What about the motel associations?
What about the associations one teetering tottering step away from receivership?
What about the wasteful spending such as murals in the lobby that most people do not even know about?
What about murals in the indoor pool, yes pretty, but money better spent on fixing that damn AC situation once and for all?
Where are the reins to control WPRF spending as they spend our money to fix Mark Levy's property?
Where are the plans for the post Millennium years and contract?
Where are the by laws that have been worked on, or so we are told - but it is a secret....shhhhhh.
9. Why do we have a president who demeans his position and disrespects the electorate when he comes to meetings and formal situations in faded t- shirts, ratty black shorts and possibly, if we are lucky, in a newer item that Cornish has bought for him. Anyone remember the song,   Gigolo.....?
10. Why do we have a UCO where month after month the officers report at meetings with the statements - "Nothing to report." Just what the hell are they doing all month? Eating the food at UCO? Planning vacations? Planning sneak attacks on the residents in order to get their pet projects thru? Conspiring with Donald Kelly and future motel owners? Making believe that this Asset Recovery program is a boon to the Village - more like a boondoggle! It helps only WPRF and the Levys and not the associations who are still saddled with the harder and more frequent problems of units that have mortgages on them - and for that WPRF and ED Black tell them to go away, no help for you!!!
10. Why has UCO staffing of volunteers dwindled to a small group of the same people recycled thru the committees with a token outsider who is walled off anyway from any influence at all.
11. Why is it that officers of UCO presently vote scaddy-eight times on one issue?
12. Why is it that there are no term limits anymore when they worked so well from the onset of UCO? Why - because David Israel is a power hog with nothing in his life but this - so we are paying the dues on his crappy life. That is why.
13. Why do we have a consummate and  bombastic liar as the president of UCO?
14. Why do people allow themselves to whore themselves out as they sell body and soul for their positions in UCO and the Village?
15. Why do our waters stink so and are putrid with green gook in canal areas of the Village. Take a walk along the canals, particularly the boundary ones. YUCK!!!
16. Why do we not get rid of these people? And how?.....
   Well, we could cut off their nosh budget at UCO and then maybe the locusts would fly elsewhere or better yet, we can vote for a better group of people - Phyllis Richland, two of the four VPS - Olga, Jon G., John G. former VP, Marcia - Ed Grossman, Eileen Pearlman, Marilyn Pomerantz. These people will work together and argue with each other and agree and disagree - but the one thing they have in common is the fate of the Village as their top concern and the deep desire to do right by it - and yes, even a selfish motive - it is their home too and they want it safe and secure and no, David, not with your drone cameras that you rave about - all the better to spy on people, huh! 
     Our physical plant will be improved and rejuvenated, not overnight, but the plans and the research and the thinking out of the box and the use of the brain power and contacts that our residents have, the fiscal responsibility and accountability, the process and procedures, the inclusiveness of UCO, the reaching out to the associations and the eagle eye keeping a lookout for the motel owners and the transients and the locking of them out by refusing them identity cards - and just how the hell are they getting them, Eva? - better control over WPRF wish lists and spending, reinstatement of term limits and universal voting with one resident owner per unit voting - and only for one unit so no, multiple unit owners will not have an advantage so sorry, Don, and Ed, and Bob  and all the rest of you who are in that situation. FAIR will be the word and the thought and the principle of the day, the week, the year and the term. No more will VPs say we have nothing to say, for they will have been busy helping and doing. They will be reporting to the residents and there will be no more secret business meetings at which only the "privileged" are allowed to attend and be on the "inside".
     So ENOUGH with the old and in with the new, the better, the honest, the organized, the caring, the inclusive. the thrifty, the organized, the prioritizing - shall I go on or do we all get the picture.
    I know for whom I am voting tomorrow. And you?........

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