Thursday, March 31, 2016


     First, apologies to my early readers but just could not move this morning. Well, hopefully, all good things come to those who wait so.....
     Time to get serious. Term limits. Coming up Friday at the DA. Why so quick? Because this month, for some reason, (ahem), the paper came out late and associations did not even get it till later - we just got ours sometime yesterday, with but two days left to consider the by law amendment. That is their plan  - a version of the give them five minutes to read the contract in tiny print and then force thru a vote after filling them with lies - like 'the best contract ever" - two times!
     David's blog has been rife with the usual suspects putting in their two cents - even Elaine Brown who just awes us with her "wisdom". But truly just listen to their statements and the "truth" of them. They speak of many small town mayors staying in office - yes, and in those cases the town is often filled with corruption, bad finances and lots of arguments, no progress and mostly just a deep and concerted effort of the returning mayor to keep his/her power, more and more entrenched in that purpose and drive rather than in improving the Village or town. The smart entities go for term limits and have been doing so in droves.
     That is our situation here. Think of the faulty contracts we have been given. Think of the monies gone to waste. Think of the constant push to get what David wants rather than listen to the voice of the people. Check the list of "volunteers" and find the same names on the committees, again and again. Look at the multiple votes that the officers get on each and every issue. Time and again they have been asked to cede these multiple votes but nope, they keep their power, keep their stranglehold on the electorate process.
     Any progress, which David then toots as his idea, comes after years of banging heads. The election by machine, the soon to be - hopefully - switch to electronic voting in the DA - all belong to the opposition and then were co-opted by him with scarcely a glance in the rear view mirror.
     The lies that come out of this massive effort to keep David and Co. in power and position lead to repression, censorship, governmental involvement, intimidation and the list could go on and on. The lies of an "overwhelming" vote - what? 28 votes? After a questionable sign in process? Nope - underwhelming is more like it.
     It is claimed that only two people ran for president in the last two elections. Well, so what? More splits the vote as it did in the Frank, Frank, and David election and David came in as a minority candidate and if the vote had not been split, he would have been gone! In addition, it takes a strong person to withstand the nastiness that pours forth from the Nasties during the campaign. Phyllis was and is such a strong person and as for me - I could care less about their filth except that it is disgusting and shame on them.
     More and more people and entities are enforcing and instating term limits. The outgoing people are often tired and stale, exactly as we have here and are incapable of seeing past their noses lest they lose that which validates them. Power and position. That is their mantra rather than the people, the needs of the electorates and true vision of the needs of the future.
     So under these oh so wonderful years of David rule, we have gained such accomplishments. Let me list a few. Five million lost on the roads. No plan to amass the funds needed to replace them. Two security contracts, one of which was dumped and the second which seems to put us in danger of the backups on Okeechobee and Haverhill! Oh - we did get cameras that we had to pay for out of the first contract - exactly what Ed wanted in the first place! Now we have to get new ID cards AGAIN - and why? Because the wrong machine was bought? Because there is no oversight of these ridiculous harebrained decisions and actions. Because there is no real oversight over WPRF and their use of OUR funds!
     We now have two murals that cost thousands, bus stops with poor pads, dangerous to the weak and frail, constant excuses about it, rank and putrid waterways that appear to be going in one direction only - downhill, and of course we have had the attempted effort to censor our own library and the constant treatment of our residents as either infants incapable of reasoned decisions or as incompetent demented imbeciles who need help to govern their lives and someone to make decisions for them. We have lost parking places in the Clubhouse lot - and for what? For pavers and to employees who now have primo spots, lest they have to walk too far!? We have had a constant battle over the Wi Fi and even more associations are opting out and installing their own but on and on goes David for his wasteful and expensive and unnecessary system at a time when that world changes three times a day and the sensible people wait till it sorts itself out even as we have Wi Fi and Broadband here anyway!
     To vote against this by law amendment is to mortgage the future of this Village. It will continue the system wherein the Treasurer even agrees that the budget is wrong, but what they hey, let's vote for it anyway and the heck with the consequences!
    People, these entrenched individuals need to go away. Their "institutional" memories are not holy, others have them as well, and besides, if they were grownups they would realize that the best UCO is an inclusive one, wherein all are welcome and their opinions and ideas welcomed as well. There is simply no bad side to the decision to return our Village to the way it was and functioned - term limits. They work. They are what is best.

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