Friday, April 1, 2016


     This morning there is a vote. Ostensibly it is a vote on term limits and their return to the honored role and place that it held from the beginning of UCO. Unfortunately, blatant and grievous attempts to shoot it down were finally successful and this is now an attempt to regain freedom from tyranny, a clarion call to moral clarity. Either we of the Village rule and govern ourselves or we resign ourselves to the constant and ever growing encroachment on our daily liberties, be it restricting what is allowed to be spoken about at the pools and in the Clubhouse, publicizing ALL that interests the Villagers, a paper that is not literally HALF composed of advertising and that is the boast of the editor!, the end of ridiculous rules such as for example the rule that no more   exercise bells are to be allowed in the pool. Why? Are we too stupid to know that one does not hit another with them, or is it that we are too imbecilic to know how to use them correctly? What would make the best exercise for the senior citizen to be banned from the pools. What? Who? David Israel and Eva Rachesky making their own arbitrary rules and finding cause to justify it via arcane and never before seen rules and regulations.
     We will have constant assaults on the administrative apparatus here. For example: It has always been according to by law that if one had a vacant position due to death, resignation or whatever, the next in line would take over that spot for the fulfillment of that term. That is - until suddenly David Israel nearly choked as I was appointed to such a spot. That could not be allowed to stand!!! So suddenly, the next month David Israel "discovered" that this was all wrong and as of March I would be out, along with Linda DiLoreto. Knowing that that would leave two empty seats - and he knew that! - it was nevertheless ignored so that there would be two empty seats out of the 20 and thus he would use presidential prerogative to appoint two members - Ruth Dreiss and Toni Salometo. Ruth is a lady, but one who never colors out of line unless given permission and Toni did not need subterfuge and could have won any office hands down.What should have been was an election for twelve seats and what actually should have been was to leave us in place as was usual and customary and according to by law but NOPE, David has his own rules and thought processes and by the way, who suddenly told him that we had gotten it "wrong" all lo these many a year - "his lawyer" - who, what, when, why -not important for us to know or so we are told. And of course, this did not stop his daily horror - the fact that millions were reading about him on the world wide web!!! Ask him.
     With no term limits this is what will continually happen - the abrogation of all rules and the misinterpreting or reinterpreting of them without thought or care as to what this does to the electorate and what kind of precedent this sets. People, this must stop. This must come to a screeching and sudden stop for if not, we have basically doomed ourselves, written ourselves into a corner and the only way out will be by death, by Nature, or by recall and resignation - all long and uncertainly timed options with several out of our hands. And many good and solid people will vote with their feet and move out. It is already happening.
     Is this what we want? The continuous barrage of new and petty regulations. The continued growth of limits placed upon us. The continual wastage of funds spent carelessly without proper RFPs. Putrid waterways. Fracturing infrastructure. An administration that literally meets itself coming and  going as they are one and the same - always. An administration of exclusion, rather than inclusion. An opaque administration where no information is presented other than in ridiculous IFIs that are outdated, a month late and been there done that kind of information. RFPs that are not shown to the electorate such as the last one generated by the Wi Fi Committee - against the stated wishes of the voters and residents of the Village - by voice, and by actions, by opting out and by self installing, by vote and deed.
     Sometimes people grow so tired in office and find that the main thrust of their thoughts is how to keep themselves in office rather than how to best improve conditions in the Village or wherever their responsibility is. This is what no term limits does. As good as Giuliano was after 9/11, he was denied a third term.It was done with FDR and that was not good. It was tried in NYC with Bloomberg and that was not good either and there are many, many such situations and that is why most municipalities and even companies, industry, of late, have been moving to rotate their senior officers, even the CEO, all the better to improve the company and bring in new ideas.
     Bring back term limits. Go to the DA and show support for this amendment. If you are a delegate, then vote for the amendment and for a better future in our home, in our Village. Do not be complacent. Think about what is wrong with a life time appointment that was never meant to be, but only arose because one person had and has nothing else in his life but this and so we are expected to feel sorry for him, to excuse all his past and future errors and allow him to be the Imperial Dictator for Life? NO!!!! A thousand times no. Show the world out there that laughs at our problems, that treats us as if we have left our thinking minds back in the northern states - show them that we are not imbeciles, not senile nor demented and are quite capable of making our own good judgements, thank you very much. If not - the future , the foreseeable future, will be more of the same, of the imposition of more and more restrictive rules and eventually - especially as the Millennium Agreement comes to an end - there will be an even more one sided agreement with us on the bad side of it all! You can take that to the bank!

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