Sunday, March 27, 2016


      Please excuse my error; it is just that the air was filled with so much love that I made an understandable error. What, you ask? Well, here we had Grace professing her deep love of David and practically begging for him to propose to her and then we had the ode to Don as CAM (Is he, really? Has he passed the test? Do we have the CAM as needed by law for contract negotiations? What's the deal here?) This appears to be the biggest example of bromance we have had here in CV other than David and Ed. Why it rivals that of Danny and McGarret on Hawaii 5-0 or that of the NCIS various pairs! Seriously, can we tone down the love of self and the love of others that appears to spill over into the meetings of committees until it turns into a total lovefest! Can we get real and serious here? You do know what they say about self-praise, do you not?
     So, what is going on here lately? Well, it seems that two people have been appointed to round out the Exec. Bd. to 20. Gee, I wonder who the two are who have been removed? Another David special act? Uh huh! So on the Board go Toni Salometo, a good person and Ruth Dreiss, another yes person for David. The whole thing is just a joke already and that brings to mind an ongoing issue that appears will never be resolved until David can say that I am gone. Well, tough.
     Here is the issue. For years already there has been a problem with the bus stop outside Andover E. Three Andovers use this bus stop as well as Wellington E. Is the picture growing clearer? Let me help it along. Here are the names of those who have been contacted in the effort to get a pad installed under the bench so as to give it a balance, an evenness that will allow the weak ankles, legs and dizzy heads with poor balance, to actually reach the bench in safety and sit down while awaiting the bus. At present, after YEARS of requests, what we have was a dumping of rocks to fill up the deep depression between the roadbed and the bench. Well, dumb as that was as rocks are not particularly steady and firm items for the elderly who used the stop, these rocks began to move and disappear and guess what? We now have the same situation as before and it has been like this for years already.
     Lori Torres, Ed Black, Dom Guarnagia, Fausto Fabbro, Barbara Cornish, Don Foster - all have been contacted and even seen the bus stop in question and guess what? A big nothing!!! And why? Very simple. This bus stop is across the street from my building and thus it will never get fixed in some petty attempt to punish me and all those who live near me and would make use of the stop. So therefore, let us sing another song. "Who's afraid of a big bad suit, a big bad suit, a big bad suit....." for surely when one person is finally tired of standing and waiting, that person will attempt to maneuver closer to the bench and BAM!!!!! Major injuries and major suit for UCO in  general and for individuals in particular. Can we not grow up here for at least five minutes and pave this area already? I don't even use the buses so stop the stupidity and fix the stop for those who do use it. Hey, have a big opening day party for it! I do not care - but fix the damn thing already before it is too late. Hey, David, I will even write of this on the world wide web and who knows? perhaps even more than 200 million will read about it!!
     I read quite a bit this week and weekend as I am dealing with a bad back and feet who have decided to remind me of wear and tear and its meaning, but at least I learned a few things. One particular item I liked was the following. The past is never behind us; in fact, it is always with us, and that I have believed and stated many a time but there is more. A character stated this: "Life's three great labors are to see what you've done, face the consequences and adjust but......people will not look their acts straight in the eye. They will not accept what they have coming and they will not change direction."
     Have truer words ever been written, words that more completely describe the situation here in UCO? I think not. There is a culture within our UCO that refuses to accept responsibility for its actions and the consequences of it, the damage that ensues from these actions and these willful inabilities to look within and without and see what they have wrought.
     Take the most recent Officers meeting and quite sparsely attended as people are filled with despair at the situation. See the self congratulatory notes they speak to each other and about themselves. It is such a sickening love fest. And then of course we have Joy Vestal that so not a journalist who wears the hats of VP and Editor of our own Rag. She is so proud that the paper this month will have 68 pages and what followed that fact - "the ads just keep coming in!" YES, that is what she takes pride in. Not the journalistic ventures or the sharing positions it might take, the investigative pieces it should have, the vibrant exchange of ideas it should have - nope, none of that - only the fact that it is now a bigger Pennysaver than ever!! The depths to which this paper has fallen, actually been dragged down to via this woman's efforts and that of her sheepdog follower, Myron Silverman, and all those 2 or 3 people she allows to write articles for this joke of a paper, exciting articles like Lanny's trips, or a revolving shopping column that might actually be interesting if it were not for the fact that there is no serious news to counteract or counterbalance it.
     So what to do, folks? Well, here is an old Hindu saying which I also came across this weekend. The animals named within the saying are not important, and I copy the original translation, but what is important for both sides here, for all people to understand and internalize, is that there will be only one end to this division, this battle so to speak. The saying goes: "Many dogs will kill a hare, no matter how many turns it takes." We, of the opposition are many and will take as many turns as we need to in order to topple the Imperial Dictator for Life and His Imperial Underlings.

arf. Arf. arf ARF arf ARF arf ARF arf ARF arf ARF!!!!!

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