Friday, March 25, 2016


     Someone asked me why I wrote an article targeting some issues with UCO and David Israel's plans. Why am I doing this again, they asked. Well, sorry to bust someone's bubble, but I have not stopped, only put out a hand in a proposed cooperative working situation and gave him and his allies time to think and do what is right. Instead, they persisted and so we had an attempt to withhold information or to overcome opposition by various methods. So now we do have an Executive Board but what is this with yesterday's meeting of Officers where a discussion of new appointees to the Board was discussed. Who are they? Most probably more suckups to David, all the better to overwhelm the numbers of the opponents who made it to the Board. All the better to stop any progress in any way. Told you - the only way to get rid of this man is to get rid of him. Recall. Recall. Recall. And yes, I know it takes time but what else do we have but time.
     How is there any way to work with someone who persists in eliminating possibilities of opposition or thought. No Advisory or secret unannounced meetings of it, all the better to keep all in the dark. More Broadband meetings despite the fact that this was all voted on already, but evidently in this case David Israel likes revoting, though not on term limits as they are now where he wants them. Very picky is our esteemed president.
     And of course we have the voices of the besotted. Grace maintains that she "loves" HER David and would marry him should he propose. Well, there ya go, David. A chance for love in the winter of your lives. Gyich!!! But I guess love is in the eye and heart of the beholder so hey, Gracie, go for it.
     Then of course we have our censorship issue. WE are told in an article in the CV Messenger that it is really only a partial censorship and good for us for us tender little old people evidently cannot distinguish between propaganda literature and the real discussion stuff. By the way, who makes those decisions as to what falls into what category. Personally, I find that whole thing offensive. I do not need someone "protecting" me and can decide on what I read and value or do not. Thank you, but no thank you. And besides - Jeremiah! The prophet? That is conversion literature? Really? Here he has a big book of his deeds and adventures and speeches or prophecies and this is called conversion literature? C'mon. And if it is a discussion of Jeremiah so what? My Lord, he is so filled with doom and gloom and warnings that such a person is now called a Jeremiah. Not tempting at all.No one here is going to fall for every piece of literature or scams of every and all sorts and if we do, so do many people out there and it is our right to read what we wish unless it proposed murder, mayhem and blood hatred and acting upon that hatred. So thank you but no thank you. Let it all hang out and at nite - throw the pamphlets out and do not shelve. Will that do?
     I have already discussed the motivations of our nefarious administrators. Needless to say, they are not appetizing. Neither are those who stand by on the side and do nothing and then ask why someone does not do something. Well, many people are trying but we need all the help we can get in this uphill and slanted battle. Look around the world and see where dictators have taken us. Look at our own country and see how it has gone insane. Two candidates are arguing about their wives rather than the issues. People are calling on religious reasons why one has to or cannot support someone and religion has no place here at all. We need to vote on issues, on bread and butter, on rights, on forward movement, on intelligence, on reality checks. That goes for here as well. Lord help us all for the world certainly needs all the help it can get.
     Is it not time for the world to realize that the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland and environs needs to stop, not just go sotto voce and underground? Is it not time for Russia to realize that the dreams of a Russian Empire have died long ago with the death of the Tsar and was reinterred with the death of the Soviet Union? Is it not time to let countries decide for themselves what they want and to allow for their independence, not for bigger countries to come along and chew off small pieces of them for whatever reason? Is it not time to recognize terror for what it is and stop feeling so queasy about statements that might be interpreted as Islamophobia? I admit it, I am scared of the Moslems. I see no real sign or movement amongst them to combat those who use terror and murder and who come from their midst. I am afraid of people who raise their children to die and take others with them and if there are those amongst them who disagree - well, come out of the woodwork and speak up. Is it not time for the world to back the Dalai Lama and stop allowing China to oppress these people, rule Nepal and Tibet? Is it not time for all good people to speak up and be brave about it? And do not forget our own misbegotten administration, one that needs a full house cleaning and a return to sanity and morality and honesty and truthfulness and transparency....and need I go on. What a world, huh?
    Oh, by the way, Gracie. You think I do not know that G-d is watching me? I am indeed sure of it and happy about that. G-d and I have a simpatico relationship so not to worry. Perhaps you might want to look into your own relationship and what it means to be a good person, a thinking person, a rational person. You want help with that - just call.

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