Sunday, March 6, 2016


I would like to address a few truisms that seem to have been inserted into the election analysis. There was no landslide victory for 28 votes in one case and in another two VPs being minority winners as the total of the other 4 was larger than their total so no landslide again. It would behoove the UCO administration to play nice though it seems as if that will not be as we have been warned off, basically told that we have to behave as good boys and girls before we are let in to the clubhouse or tree house or whatever they call it.
"You should not expect to come right back tomorrow into the good graces of those you have offended so venomously. Healing takes time. Don't presume upon the good graces of those you have so offended."
Excuuuuse me! If one puts oneself into the situation where one's works can be criticized and then is "offended" at criticism, then that person had better get out of the business.
     It also works both ways. If one wishes to be treated properly, criticism and all, then one must reciprocate and accept criticism calmly and rationally and constructively and then not send in one's shills to be nasty and then say, "Who me?" One cannot play at being decent and for example, here is a lovely comment sent to me right after the election - and we know who as well and once we return home, it is off to PBSO to follow up on their directions. An apology and stopping this might go a long way. So here it is " Listen you piece of shit. You and your crappy friends are finished here in the Village. You are over, done, finito!" The threats, the nastiness - all are there despite the cease and desist instruction.
     The person who sent that and the director or instructor is called a troll in computerese. It is no longer just the mythic creature who holed up somewhere dark and dank, but has morphed into a term for people who write deliberately provocative and cruel comments online. It would behoove all to stop the trolls.
     There was a Jewish poet, Yehudi, who wrote "Up lad, when the journey's over, there'll be time enough to sleep." No time to sleep yet, for we have a long way to go to make sure our Village works the right way, to reinsert civility and justice, right and projects that are done openly and with good results for the Village, not for an individual or two.
     When Joseph died, he extracted a sworn promise from the elders of the nation to take his bones with them and see them buried in Israel, the land that G-d promised him and his people. So important was it that he doubled the language- "Hashbeah Hishbiah" or "you shall surely promise" because that is how important it was and still is and that is how important it is to behave with the interests of the Villagers at heart, - all of them. So, if you are ready to take that oath, then so will I, you controlling your own nasties and your own verbiage and I will control mine as I have no control over anyone else but will try to talk with them.
    We already see how ill suited the candidates are in this election for president out there in the nation and we are embarrassed by it. The are behaving as if it is okay to turn away from American tradition and policy and simply call the violation of said tradition by another name and call it the new tradition. Well, it will not work - not here and not there. People have called Trump a most dangerous man all across Europe and I wish people would think a bit before they jump on monstrous ideas and bandwagons. The same goes here.
     Things are dark here and in the nation, but we must make attempts and strides. If not, there is a beast that struts amongst us, is loose, and when we look in the mirror that beast stares right back at us. Ugly. Frightening. Let us all work together, in the Village and more importantly, in the nation, to stop this time of the beast.
     The choice is ours. The results are ours. The consequences are ours. Choose the right path, for the other is not good , not at all. Think. Think again. Distinguish sense from nonsense. Right from wrong, base hatred from good will and truth. The future is waiting - so what will it be? The whole world is watching, to go back to the 60's. They certainly are.

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